Scientific paper ID 944 : 2014/4
Reni Gerginova, RalicaTemelakieva, PetyaTodorova This business plan is to create a fitness center that will a variety of services aimed at different user groups. Services which will be offered are aimed at people who want to improve their physical condition, are concerned about their appearance and health. In addition to traditional fitness equipment, the complex will also have special equipment for people with disabilities. At the complex will be built sauna, solarium, massage studio. In addition free training will be organized for groups of different sports under the guidance of instructors. There will be a special dance hall, where they will conduct courses for various dances. The complex is designed to attract people who train and also to arouse the interest of those who are not currently training. It is planned to be organized fun events where people do not just sports, but also to communicate and get to know.
Consumer targeted services are varied. Aiming to cover maximum number of users to fully satisfy their needs will build a fitness center where everyone can find their own way to play sports and lead a healthy life, according to your needs and according to your lifestyle. Target groups targeted by most of the services that will be offered by the fitness center are disabled and disadvantaged people to exercise actively and daily training, people who do not exercise active, but want to improve their mood, people who want to enjoy healthy, relax. The initial capital for the construction of the center will be fully involved. In the process of the fitness center will provide a percentage of monthly income that will be used to modernize and expand. The nature of the project s continuous upgrade and maintenance of existing facilities. The initial investment for the construction of the complex is large, but the return is expected to be good. After researching for constructing complex area, it is found that there is appropriate to build such competition is not large, the population in the area is creditworthy and attendance is expected to be hig нямаReni Gerginova RalicaTemelakieva PetyaTodorova |