Етични правила
Ethical rules
for publishing materials in the Academic Journal
„Mechanics Transport Communications“

These ethical rules for accepting and publishing material in the academic journal ‘Mechanics Transport Communications’ are based on the ethical standards and criteria set out in the Code of Ethics of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria and on internationally recognized ethical rules and standards in accordance with the Charter (The European Charter for Researchers) and The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Bulgarian legislation.

The decision to accept or refuse to publish a proposed material is made on the basis of its scientific value, criteria for publication in the journal and in accordance with the principles of academic morality, its ethical principles and rules, and the editorial policy of the journal.

The journal does not accept materials that:

  • are not in accordance with its scientific policy and publishing criteria;
  • contain unacceptable and pseudoscientific theories and claims;
  • express political and personal biases of the authors;
  • include texts that abuse individuals and institutions or exhibit negative personal sentiments (offensive qualifications on a scientific, religious, political or personal basis).

The authors are directly responsible for the accuracy of their scientific publications and must adhere to the citation rules indicated.
It is unacceptable:

  • plagiarism in all its forms;
  • falsifying data and results in the material presented;
  • co-authoring persons who have no real input into the research and into the writing of the relevant text;
  • use of unscientific arguments;
  • deliberate omission of contributions from other authors in the field of the study;
  • publication of offensive material, as well as material that does not contain essential, new or additional reasoning


  • The manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff are subject to review by the editorial board or the editorial union. If necessary, external reviewers - experts in the respective field are also involved. Reviewers have the same responsibilities as the authors of the proposed material.
  • The submitted manuscripts are judged solely on their merits, the review is being anonymous and carried out in the absence of a conflict of interest between the author and the evaluator.
  • The reviewer is obliged to keep the information from the manuscripts secret and not to use other results and ideas that became known during the review.
  • The reviewer may return the author's material for correction or revision, and may refuse to publish it. If the material is not approved for publication by the reviewer without reflecting the proposed corrections and the author does not agree with them, justifying his / her response, the decision to publish is taken by the editorial board (editors).

The members of the editorial board (editors) undertake (are obligated):

  • not to submit the name of the reviewer to the authors; the sole mediator between the authors and the editorial board is the responsible secretary of the editorial board.
  • not to export information about peer-reviewed articles outside the journal, especially regarding the rejected articles.
  • not disclose information regarding submitted manuscripts, subject to the conditions of the accepted review procedure.
  • not to use unpublished materials and scientific materials contained in the submitted manuscripts for the purpose of their own research work without the explicit consent of the authors.

It is allowed:

  • In order to disseminate the results to a wider audience, the same material to be published elsewhere;
  • The editorial board gives the right to respond in case of controversy with articles published in the journal.

The editorial board has the right, in case of found gross manifestations of bad faith and violations of the academic ethics and the published editorial requirements of an author, which affect the prestige of the journal and the scientific community, to express its opinion on the case on the pages of the magazine or in other ways.




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