Scientific paper ID 852 : 2013/3
Stanislava Strelcová, Jozef Klučka Critical infrastructure consists of a system of interrelated elements, which represent the backbone of the national economy of any country, or the economic union. Disruption of any element could have significant consequences not only for the continuous function of other elements of critical infrastructure, but also for every market entities which are depending on their stepless action. This dependence was significantly manifested in the January 2009, when several countries in the South-East Europe were hit by the gas crisis triggered by a dispute between Russia and Ukraine.
Quantification of losses, which incurred on the basis of the failure of any elements of critical infrastructure, is very complicated. This complexity results from a number of factors and interdependencies between the elements of critical infrastructure as well as other market operators. Contribution highlights the interdependence of the various elements of the national economy and their dependence on a functional critical infrastructure, on the example of gas crisis. It describes primary and secondary consequences of gas crisis and tries to quantify losses caused to businesses, householders and State economy. елемент на критичната инфраструктура нарушаване на функционалността взаимозависимостan element of the critical infrastructure disruption of the functionality interdependency.Stanislava Strelcová Jozef Klučka BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Commission of the European communities: Critical infrastructure protection in the fight against terrorism. Brussels: 2004. [on line] Accessible at: http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/just... (02-15-2012) [2] Critical infrastructure protection. [on line] Accessible at: http://www.minv.sk/?ochrana-kritickej-infra... [3] Klučka,J. Critical Infrastructure and its Economy. In.: Management 2012, pp-.352-357, ISBN 978-86-84909-73-4 [4] Law no. 45/2011 about critical infrastructure. [on line] Accessible at: www.zbierka.sk/sk/predpisy/45-2011-z-z.p-33998.pdf [5] Rinaldi, S., M. at all. Identifying, understanding and analyzing critical infrastructure interdependecies, IEE Control Systems Magazine, USA, [on line] Accessible at: http://www.ce.cmu.edu/~hsm/im2004/readings/... |