Scientific paper ID 835 : 2013/3

Ivan Kirov, Evtim Palazov

This article discusses basic ideas for the development of solution of the technological process for machining and the technological processor as algebraic structure. The numerical model of the lathe working space is defined as consistent with Euclidean geometric space . All the inner operations for the geometric calculations are accomplished into that model. The zones of the lathe working space for any pair of workpiece-part, where the technological process go, that is the volume of the part as a zone of the working space where the tool should not penetrate and the zone of workpiece volume where only cutting operations are allowed to remove the material and auxiliary motions of the tool are forbidden and the zone of the working space where the tool can make auxiliary motions without collisions are defined. Kinematics and dynamics of the technological process are taken into account by the kinematical and dynamical vector spaces with their set of operators, which define the low of motion of the lathe actuating mechanisms and the dynamics of the technological process. The way to track changes of workpiece shape after each pass till achieve the part shape by changing indexes is shown. The tasks the technological processor must solve are specified.

CAM CAPP технологичен процес механична обработка.CAM CAPP technological process machining.Ivan Kirov Evtim Palazov


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