Scientific paper ID 779 : 2013/3

Kiril Karagyozov,

Using the exact results for the probability of n customers for time t with Erlang distribution of arrival flow intervals, the mean and variance of the number of arrivals are obtained. These values are approximated and user-friendly analytical dependences of the mean and variance of arrivals for time t as a function of the coefficient of variance of arrival flow intervals are obtained. The dependencies are used in models to determine the average time of interruption (per customer) and the total time of interruption for all customers served for the total period of interruption and normalization, a case study of which is the model of an intersection regulated by traffic lights. An attempt is made also to assess variances of the performance of such systems.

транспортен поток Ерлангов входящ поток моменти на броя на постъпленията за дадено време сумарен престой в системата среден престой в системата.traffic flow Erlang arrival flow moments of the number of arrivals total system time average system tKiril Karagyozov


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