Scientific paper ID 774 : 2013/2

Mira Zafirova, Kosta Kostov

In the operation of existing facilities often seen digging up the supports. Passing high water increases the rate of digging them. With a view to preserve the performance of bridges need to do research to determine the extent of scour around the piers and abutments.

In the presented paper are performed hydraulic calculations to determine the depth of scour around the piers and abutments of the bridge, located at km. 84417 by rail the Sofia-Plovdiv. Calculations were performed using the mathematical model HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center - River Analysis System) version 4.1.

To determine the depth of the disinterment is using a modified equation of Colorado State University (CSU). Maximum value of water quantities d security are based on hydrology analysis.

мостови съоръжения изравяне модел HEC-RASbridges scour model HEC-RASMira Zafirova Kosta Kostov


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