Scientific paper ID 657 : 2018/3

Krasimir Krastanov

The overall study of the technical condition of the crane railways in the operation of the load cranes and their compliance with the ments of the normative acts is an important element for the safety of these facilities. Even minor deviations from the normative standards may cause an accident, so it is necessary to carry out regular technical inspections of the crane railways.

When installing new crane railways, the person who installed them is d to provide the user with a crane track design and rail track dimension measurement report.

For the heavy duty crane, rails are connected by four bolts with normal steel fishplates sandwiching the rail, placed on both sides of the web. At the time of installation, the rails are pulled into contact with each other and connected with no gap at the joint part. However, such rails gradually become separated at the joint part and can be damaged by broken flakes in the gap and dents during the heavy duty operation of the crane.

According to Art. 94 of the Regulation for the Safe Operation and Technical Surveillance of Lifting Equipment (NBETN), the persons who maintain the lifting equipment should be checked whether they are necessary as well as parts of the sites of the site. corresponds to the project.

The criteria for scrapping a track are:

- in the presence of cracks and fragments of any size,

- vertical, horizontal or inclined (vertical plus half horizontal) wear on the rail head by more than 15 per cent of the non-profile profile size.

The purpose of the present work is to investigate and assess the technical condition of the crane rail track on which a single-girder bridge crane moves by establishing its condition according to the applicable normative ments.

безопасност товароподемни кранове подкранови релсови пътища диагностикаsafety lifting capacity crane rail roads diagnosticsKrasimir Krastanov


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