Scientific paper ID 477 : 2010/2
Plamen Tashev, Stefan Hristov, Petar Valchanov, Kristina Machikova In recent years, laser technology has begun to be used in the industry. To meet the needs of the shipbuilding industry laser-hybrid welding technology combines the best attributes of laser welding with those of conventional welding procedures to provide advantages not found in either. The laser-hybrid welding increases productivity and quality and offers high cost efficiency. The laser systems are compact and strong and thanks to the easy laser beam transport, they open up completely new applications and markets.
заваряване лазер лазерно-хибридно заваряване корабостроенеwelding laser laser-hybrid welding shipbuildingPlamen Tashev Stefan Hristov Petar Valchanov Kristina Machikova |