Scientific paper ID 2627 : 2024/3
Hristo G. Stamenov The roads of the national road network, local roads and streets in Bulgaria are mainly constructed with asphalt pavement. Under the combined action of traffic loads and climatic conditions, road surfaces are damaged and their operational features and bearing capacity deteriorate. Due to that during their operational life a moment periodically occurs when they need rehabilitation (major repair). This kind of repairs is traditionally carried out by resurfacing with new asphalt layers. However, there are other, alternative technologies, e.g. concrete overlays, that have been successfully applied in some countries.
The paper presents the possibilities for rehabilitation of asphalt road pavements with concrete overlays. The types of concrete overlays on existing asphalt pavements, the conditions of their application and their technical features are considered. асфалтобетонни пътни настилки рехабилитация бетонни пренастиланияasphalt road pavements rehabilitation concrete overlaysHristo G. Stamenov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Todorov K. A., Eksploatatsiya i poddarzhane na avtomobilni patishta, Tehnika, Sofiya, 1974 ( [1] Тодоров К. А., Експлоатация и поддържане на автомобилни пътища, Техника, София, 1974 ) [2] Stefanov P. T., Rehabilitatsiya na patishta, Tehnologichni proekti, UASG, Sofiya, 2011 ( [2] Стефанов П. Т., Рехабилитация на пътища, Технологични проекти, УАСГ, София, 2011 ) [3] Tehnicheski pravila i iziskvaniya za poddarzhane na patishta., NAPI, Sofiya, 2009 ( [3] Технически правила и изисквания за поддържане на пътища., НАПИ, София, 2009 ) [4] Concrete Overlays, ACPA, 2011, QD032P. [5] Khazanovich. L., Tompkins, D., Tech Brief: Thin Concrete Overlays, FHWA-HIF-17-012, FHWA, 2017. [6] Fick, G., J. Gross, M. B. Snyder, D. Harrington, J. Roesler, and T. Cackler. 2021. Guide to Concrete Overlays. 4th Edition. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. [7] ACI Committee 325. 2006. Concrete Overlays for Pavement Rehabilitation. Publication ACI 325.13R-06. Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute. |