Scientific paper ID 2622 : 2024/3
Chavdar Kolev The report briefly examines the most essential points of solving the problems of the stability of slopes in Bulgaria, presented and illustrated with examples from the author`s practice. The theoretical approaches applied to the assessment of slope resistance are presented. The examples cover all areas with critical resistance of natural slopes. The example of the successful landslide protection of Balchik shows the wide range of technical approaches for coastal protection. In contrast, many cases of failed excavation slopes of the new highways in Bulgaria pose questions to modern engineers regarding the correspondence between their knowledge and skills, as well as their practical approaches. A classification of the accidents was made and the cause-and-effect relationships for them were analyzed. Attention was also paid to the stability of the rock slopes and the methods of their strengthening. Special attention is paid to deep excavations in broken mountain slopes. Recommendations are made for more successful technical solutions in the field of design and construction of sustainable road slopes. Natural and man-made prerequisites for landslide formation during modern transport civil engineering are distinguished.
свлачище откос укрепване скала сила дренаж подходlandslide slope support rock force drainage approachChavdar Kolev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Naredba №1/2001 na MRRB za proektirane i stroitelstvo na sgradi i saorazheniya v svlachistni rayoni. ( [1] Наредба №1/2001 на МРРБ за проектиране и строителство на сгради и съоръжения в свлачистни райони. ) [2] Kolev Ch., Kompleksni sistemi za geozashtita, «Tehnika», Sofiya, 2007, ISBN: 978-954-03-0677-3. ( [2] Колев Ч., Комплексни системи за геозащита, «Техника», София, 2007, ISBN: 978-954-03-0677-3. ) |