Scientific paper ID 2602 : 2024/3
Branislav Gavrilovic, Bundalo Zoran The manu presents and describes the Model in Matlab-simulink, which allows to display the time change of the firing angle of the thyristor of the single-phase rectifier, the mean value of the voltage, the armature current and the speed of the electric motor during the start-up of the electric locomotive ŽS 444 series for differen given mechanically loaded and reference speeds of traction electric motors. The model makes it possible to establish the desired reference speed change ramps for different reference speeds and mechanical loads from 250 rpm, i.e. the maximum current of the electric motor armature up to 1250 A.
Railways of Serbia electric locomotive ŽS 444 series direct current electric motorRailways of Serbia electric locomotive ŽS 444 series direct current electric motorBranislav Gavrilovic Bundalo Zoran BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Z. Milićević, D. Aranđelović, V. Marjanović, D. Pejčić, Electric locomotives JŽ 441 series, Želnid, ISBN 86-7307-046-5, Belgrade, 1997. [2] Dragan B. Rajković: ”Contribution to the analysis of axle breakage on locomotives series 441, 461 and 444, Proceedings XIV ŽELKON `10 Niš, pages 193-196, 07-08 October 2010. [3] V. Vabić, I Grašković, Course for service personnel of locomotive series JŽ 444 and JŽ 461-200 sedries , Končar-električne lokomotive dd., document number GO5926, archive location 211-0103., Zagreb, 2005. [4] Gavrilovic Branislav: „Research and Analysis in the Electric Traction System of the Serbian Railways“, Eliva Press, SRL, Bd. Moscova 21, Chisinau 2068, Republic of Moldova, Europe,ISBN 9789994986194, 2023. [5] Ion Boldea, Syed A. 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