Scientific paper ID 2525 : 2024/3

Emil Dodov, Todor Lalev

The power supply of the traction energy supply system of the underground is carried out by traction power stations (TPSs). Each TPS is equipped with a traction unit (TU), which consists of a traction transformer (TTp) and a rectifier. The types of TUs operated in the metropolitan area and their function are discussed below.

As a result of the experimental measurements in live operating conditions, data on current, voltage, active power (P), reactive inductive (Qi) and reactive capacitive power (Qc), cosφ, total harmonic distortions of the current on the high side of TTp (THDI%) and others were collected and analyzed. The technical indicators of the TA types are compared, and an assessment is made of how their type determines the quality of rectified voltage, the electricity, the losses and their relationship with the rectifier.

Тягово понизителна станция тягов агрегат енергетични параметриTraction substation traction unit energy parametersEmil Dodov Todor Lalev


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