Scientific paper ID 2508 : 2024/3
Irena Bozhichkova, Martin Zlatkov Every specialty in Higher Education Institutions, which is related to power engineering, must study the subject ”High Voltage Technology”. A well-equipped laboratory for high-voltage tests is necessary for the quality training of students. The goal is for students to become familiar with the processes that take place in high-voltage devices and equipment during their working and emergency modes. At High Univercity of Transport „Todor Kableshkov“ already has such a built high-voltage laboratory. The front part of the hall is designated as a lecture hall, which has desks, a blackboard and a small multimedia. The rear part of the hall is set aside as a laboratory, in which there is a test field with a grid fence for the safety of the trainees. Two test rigs, auxiliary equipment and test specimens are available.
There is an idea to construct additional equipment to the test field to automate some processes. This will facilitate and accelerate the conduct of high-voltage tests and the recording of data and characteristics. One device from the additional equipment is a control panel for adjustment, control and monitoring during the test. полимерен изолатор електроизолационни материали контактна мрежа техника на високите напрежения пропълзяващ ток трекингоустойчивост електрическо поле изолаця токопроводящи електропроводими интензитет на полето пробивна напрегнатост разстояниеIrena Bozhichkova Martin Zlatkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Grozdeva M., Elektrotehnicheski materiali, Novi znaniya 2004g. ISBN 954-9315-21-5 ( [1] Гроздева М., Електротехнически материали, Нови знания 2004г. ISBN 954-9315-21-5 ) [2] Mitov, B., Elektrotehnicheski materiali, S., Tehnika, 1973. ( [2] Митов, Б., Електротехнически материали, С., Техника, 1973. ) [3] Petkov, A., Elektromaterialoznanie, S., Tehnika, 1991. ( [3] Петков, А., Електроматериалознание, С., Техника, 1991. ) [4] https://vikiwat.com/butoniera-1-gv2k031-30a... [5] https://www.engineering-review.bg/bg/avariy... [6] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhivachna_lam... ( [6] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Живачна_лампа... ) [7] https://blog.fibank.bg/kvartsova-lampa-kato... ( [7] https://blog.fibank.bg/кварцова-лампа-като-... ) [8] https://bg.elmarkstore.eu/signalna-kolona-l... ( [8] https://bg.elmarkstore.eu/сигнална-колона-l... ) [9] https://vikiwat.com/signalna-kolona-sas-sir... [10] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhon_Kokroft... ( [10] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Джон_Кокрофт ... ) [11] https://www.emag.bg/12v-elektricheska-brava... |