Scientific paper ID 2506 : 2024/3
Martin Getov, Vasil Dimitrov The commissioning of one of the deepest in ”Metropolitan” - Sofia metro station ”Serdika 2” was put into operation on 31.08.2012. It is located between ”Todor Aleksandrov” Blvd. and ”Pirotska” Street. Standardized and uniform equipment is used in each traction lowering substation, as well as in the substation of the ”Serdika 2” metro station. One of these devices is the ”RITTER” tunnel disconnectors. The function for which these disconnectors are intended is to provide a reliable power supply to the corresponding section of the contact rail with a voltage of 850V. The security of the power supply of the contact rail is of great importance and is related to the security of the underground transport.
The automated control of the complex dynamic processes and the management of the devices in each traction, respectively, and of the ”RITTER” tunnel disconnectors, is carried out by means of a dispatch system for control and data collection SCADA. It controls the state and position of all the main devices (including the tunnel disconnectors) and transmits the information to the dispatcher center. This report examines the most frequently occurring damages and defects in the ”RITTER” tunnel disconnectors in Metropolitan Sofia, leading to the need for their urgent complete replacement or partial repair. The specific problem areas and the consequences of the defects and accidents that have occurred are indicated. Specific accidents related to the tunnel disconnectors at the ”Serdika 2” metro station are presented. тягова понизителна станция (ТПС) тунелни разединители RITTER SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Systemtraction substation tunnel disconnectors RITTER SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SystemMartin Getov Vasil Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Goranov E., E. Dimitrova, Sistemi za distantsionen kontrol i upravlenie v transporta, Sofiya, 2010 ( [1] Горанов Е., Е. Димитрова, Системи за дистанционен контрол и управление в транспорта, София, 2010 ) [2] Dimitrova E., Upravlenie i kontrol na prostranstveno razsredotocheni obekti v transporta i energetikata, Monografiya, Godishnik na VTU „Todor Kableshkov”, ISSN 1314-362X br. 7, Sofiya, 2016 ( [2] Димитровa E., Управление и контрол на пространствено разсредоточени обекти в транспорта и енергетиката, Монография, Годишник на ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, ISSN 1314-362X бр. 7, София, 2016 ) [3] Makedonski N., Experimental study of power losses due to inrush currents of the electrical drives, 11th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference BulEF-2019, art. no. 9030728, DOI: 10.1109/BulEF48056.2019.9030728, 2019 [4] Jindi Li, Yujian Ding, Fangcheng Lv et al., Study on the optimisation of the end fittings of the DC disconnector, Journal of Engineering, vol. 2019, No. 16, 2019 [5] Guo, D., Yan, Z., Shi, R., Zhang, C., Condition Monitoring Technology for Temperature and Strain Status of Disconnector Based on SAW. In: Dong, X., Cai, L. (eds) The Proceedings of 2023 4th Int. Symp. IDCOMPU 2023. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1100. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7393-4_5... 2024 [6] Yuan H, Sun Z, Wang L, Yang A, Wang X, Rong M., Disconnector fault diagnosis based on attitude sensing system. High Voltage Technol. 48(01), 2022 [7] Liu Y, Yang J, Jia Y, Song S, Wu B, Li J., Contact state detection technology for GIS disconnector based on vibration principle, Smart Power 47(12), pp. 73-77, 2019 [8] Jinrui Shi, Tianyang Xu, Shuixian Yang et al., Design and realization of high voltage disconnector condition monitoring system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 887, No. 1, 2017 [9] Dimitrova E., Sintez na sistemi za monitoring i upravlenie na slozhni tehnicheski obekti s tsel osiguryavane na maksimalna efektivnost, Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, br.3/2, str. XI-75 – XI-80, 2014 ( [9] Димитрова Е., Синтез на системи за мониторинг и управление на сложни технически обекти с цел осигуряване на максимална ефективност, Научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, ISSN 1312-3823, том 12, бр.3/2, стр. XI-75 – XI-80, 2014 ) [10] Makedonski N., G. Milev, Insights into the Urban Electric Transport System by Means of Comparative Analysis of Different Power Theories, 17th Int. Sc. Conf. ELMA-2021, Sofia, DOI: 10.1109/ELMA52514.2021.9502971, 2021 |