Scientific paper ID 2465 : 2024/2
Georgi Hristov Tsolov The article focuses on the ongoing processes of integration of separate border regions and the role of Bulgaria in the construction of a single European space. One of the main prerequisites for the implementation of these processes is the improvement of interregional transport connectivity and cooperation. Within the framework of the most comprehensive investment policy in the EU - the regional one, the main place in the integration process is occupied by cross-border cooperation. In this context, Bulgaria should systematically develop the socio-economic factors and the conditions that create it. Undoubtedly, the greatest role in improving cross-border cooperation and achieving maximum efficiency from related processes is the availability of appropriate transport infrastructure.
The article examines the potential that transport corridor No10 provides for improving interregional connectivity. Its main goal is to present some new opportunities having a cumulative effect, both for the achievement of higher efficiency of the cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Serbia, and for the overall infrastructure security in the country, through the construction and modernization of the route of corridor No10 and the introduction of innovations and technologies and the maximum use of the potentials of different modes of transport and their interaction. Certainly, this would be a prerequisite for the management of transport flows to be carried out in a new way for the country and the region, as well as strengthening interregional cooperation in the context of the European vision for the future of Europe[1]. транспортна свързаност регионално развитие транс-европейски коридори местна икономика производство услуги територияtransport connectivity regional development trans-European corridors local economy production services territoryGeorgi Hristov Tsolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Konferentsiya za badeshteto na Evropa. Doklad za okonchatelnite rezultati, May 2022 g., PDF ISBN 978-92-824-8733-4 doi:10.2860/757892 QC-05-22-131-BG-N ( [1] Kонференция за бъдещето на Eвропа. Доклад за окончателните резултати, Май 2022 г., PDF ISBN 978-92-824-8733-4 doi:10.2860/757892 QC-05-22-131-BG-N ) [2] Nikolov, G. Darzhavni politiki i strategii za regionalno razvitie, IK-UNSS, Sofiya, 2016, str. 7, 33-39 ( [2] Николов, Г. Държавни политики и стратегии за регионално развитие, ИК-УНСС, София, 2016, стр. 7, 33-39 ) [3] Zakon za regionalno razvitie, Glava treta, Strategichesko planirane na regionalnoto razvitie (zagl. izm. - DV, br. 15 ot 2016 g.), chl. 8. (1). ( [3] Закон за регионално развитие, Глава трета, Стратегическо планиране на регионалното развитие (загл. изм. - ДВ, бр. 15 от 2016 г.), чл. 8. (1). ) [4] Vasileva, E. Strategichesko planirane na regionalnoto razvitie, IK UNSS, Sofiya, 2018, str. 23-27 ( [4] Василева, Е. Стратегическо планиране на регионалното развитие, ИК УНСС, София, 2018, стр. 23-27 ) [5] Capello, R., Nijkamp, P. Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, 2009, рр.159-163 [6] Crescenzi, R., Andrés Rodríguez-Pose. Infrastructure and regional growth in the European Union. Advances in Spatial Science, 2011, рр.51-73 [7] Geoikonomicheski aspekti na izgrazhdaneto na Panevropeyski koridor 10 i perspektivite pred Balgariya, sp. Geopolitika, 2018 (6), ( [7] Геоикономически аспекти на изграждането на Паневропейски коридор 10 и перспективите пред България, сп. Геополитика, 2018 (6), ) |