Scientific paper ID 2414 : 2023/3
Vasko Nikolov The publication examines and analyzes the causes that led to an accident during operation – derailment of rolling stock during movement on the railway infrastructure. The accident occurred during a movement that is unacceptable from the point of view of safety in railway transport and should not be allowed under any conditions or circumstances. The device and the principle of operation of the undercarriage of railway vehicles are examined. The loads and the main strength and deformation characteristics of the running gear of the wagons and its main elements – wheelsets and axle boxes – are described. The forces acting in the axle-axle box node during operation were investigated. Damages that may occur during movement in the axle box and in the axle are listed. The ments that must be met by these elements of the running gear of the wagons, which are important for traffic safety, are presented. The reasons for the heating of the axles, as well as the reasons for breaking the axles of the railway vehicles, have been analyzed. Conclusions from the analyses were formulated and conclusions were drawn for the investigation of similar accidents and further operation, repair and maintenance of rolling stock and ensuring safe operation.
колооси букси безопасност ходова част якост метод на крайните елементиwheelset axle box safety running gear strength finite element method.Vasko Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. Dimitrov, Zh. Nadezhdnost na zhelezopatnata tehnika, VMEI „V. I. Lenin“, S. 1988. ( [1]. Димитров, Ж. Надеждност на железопътната техника, ВМЕИ „В. И. Ленин“, С. 1988. ) [2]. Nikolov, V. Izsledvane na faktorite, vliyaeshti na dalgotraynostta na lokomotivnite koloosi, S. TU, 2008. ( [2]. Николов, В. Изследване на факторите, влияещи на дълготрайността на локомотивните колооси, С. ТУ, 2008. ) [3]. Nikolov, V. Modelirane i yakosten analiz na koloosite na lokomotivi seriya 86, Nauchno spisanie `Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii` : 3 / 2018. ( [3]. Николов, В. Моделиране и якостен анализ на колоосите на локомотиви серия 86, Научно списание `Механика Транспорт Комуникации` : 3 / 2018. ) [4]. Nikolov, V. Modelirane i yakosten analiz na sharniren bolt ot resornoto okachvane na chetiriosen tovaren vagon tip Tamns, Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya ”TRANSPORT - 2019”, S. VTU, 2019. ( [4]. Николов, В. Моделиране и якостен анализ на шарнирен болт от ресорното окачване на четириосен товарен вагон тип Тamns, Международна научна конференция ”ТРАНСПОРТ - 2019”, С. ВТУ, 2019. ) [5]. Okonchatelen doklad № 63 ot zasedanie na RKK(n) – Plovdiv, provedeno na 12.08.2020 g. za sabitie, realizirano na 26.07.2020 g. – 11:30 ch. v gara Kaloyanovets (reg. № 63/90). ( [5]. Окончателен доклад № 63 от заседание на РКК(н) – Пловдив, проведено на 12.08.2020 г. за събитие, реализирано на 26.07.2020 г. – 11:30 ч. в гара Калояновец (рег. № 63/90). ) [6]. Ruzhekov, T. i dr. Konstruktsiya, teoriya i proektirane na lokomotivi, S. 1985. ( [6]. Ружеков, Т. и др. Конструкция, теория и проектиране на локомотиви, С. 1985. ) [7]. UIC Code 515-3. Rolling stock. Bogies – Running gear. Axle design calculation method. 1994. |