Научен доклад ID 2380 : 2023/3
Zoran Čekerevac, Milanka Bogavac, Dragan Radovanović The growth of online retail is creating critical logistical challenges in the last part of the distribution chain. Traditional home delivery by truck reaches its limits in big cities and ceases to be efficient. Alternative and innovative logistics solutions are needed. This article discusses how smart cities can overcome the challenges caused by last-mile delivery, like CO2 emissions, noise pollution, and congestion increases. After a brief introduction to smart cities and last-mile delivery essentials, the authors discussed last-mile delivery challenges and proposals for several problem solutions. For the purpose of the analysis, the authors created a table where for each of the mentioned challenges are proposed solutions to overcome them. In Chapter 3, the authors discussed some innovative models in delivery. Here are discussed cargo bikes, parcel lockers, delivery drones, and the organization of last-mile delivery. The fourth chapter discusses future trends in last-mile delivery. The authors believe that in the near future, transporters will continue to try to reduce delivery costs by optimizing existing ways of delivering goods and by almost imperceptibly transferring part of the transport activities and costs to clients. Here, above all, they mean the popularization of parcel lockers. Based on the analysis presented in this article and their experience, the authors in Chapter 5 gave their conclusions about last-mile delivery in smart cities.
Last-mile delivery smart city cargo bikes parcel lockers delivery drones.Last-mile delivery smart city cargo bikes parcel lockers delivery drones.Zoran Čekerevac Milanka Bogavac Dragan Radovanović BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Z. Cekerevac, L. Prigoda and M. Bogavac, ”Chapter 1. Digitalization and smart cities (In Russian Glava 1. Tsifrovizatsiya i umnyye goroda),” in Smart Cities - Development Prospects in Bulgaria, India, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Turkey, Belgrade - Moscow, MESTE, 2022, pp. 1-75. [2] UN, ”68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN,” 16 05 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news... [3] L. Prigoda, M. Bogavac i Z. Čekerevac, „Serbia and Smart Cities (in Serbian: Srbija i pametni gradovi),“ FBIM Transactions, t. 10, br. 1, pp. 71-85, 15 04 2022. [4] S. Kirsanov i Z. Čekerevac, „Glava 9. ”Umnyye” goroda - Zaklyucheniye,“ u Smart cities, Y. Safonov, S. Kirsanov i Z. 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