Scientific paper ID 2307 : 2022/3
Julia Varadinova, Simona Angelova The development of the modern market and the dynamically changing environment of the market place make the companies competitive which results in the increase in efficiency and the use of all sources of competitive advantage as the one and only possibility for the companies’ survival.
The globalization of the world economy, the increase in the number of transnational associations, the joint ventures, the strategic alliances and the developing business partnerships impose the need to search for concepts and competencies in which the enterprise is not only preferred, but also maximally profitable. The selection and construction of efficient supply chains is a key factor for high competitiveness in the market. The formation of load groups is one of the ways to reduce transport costs. The report examines the importance of groupings for the efficient transportation of goods. Grouping types and grouping lines are presented. The grouping transportation planning has been reviewed in order to achieve maximum efficiency. групажни пратки план за превоз верига за доставка спедиция логистика транспорт.group shipments transportation planning supply chain forwarding logistics transportation.Julia Varadinova Simona Angelova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] glossaire-international.com [2] GEFCO - Global logistics - International logistics [3] Perceval-Express | Transport Express Et Sur Mesure France Et Europe [4] Pier Lone. Tehnichesko i organizatsionno prerazpredelyane na mrezhi za saobshteniya v teritoriite. Transportna infrastruktura. Parizh-Iztochen universitet, 2018 g ( [4] Пиер Лоне. Техническо и организационно преразпределяне на мрежи за съобщения в териториите. Транспортна инфраструктура. Париж-Източен университет, 2018 г ) [5] Transporteur : transport France & international | MCE Express [6] Borisov A., Berov T., Optimizirane tehnologiyata na rabota i tehnicheskata saorazhenost na vzaimodeystvashtite sistemi v spetsializirani terminali, 2019, Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii, Tom 17,Broy,3,stranitsi, I-38..I-44. ( [6] Борисов А., Беров Т., Оптимизиране технологията на работа и техническата съоръженост на взаимодействащите системи в специализирани терминали, 2019, Механика Транспорт Комуникации, Том 17,Брой,3,страници, I-38..I-44. ) [7] Berov Т., Implementing the Google Maps Api to improve Vehicle Routing Problem: distance/traveltime matrix.XVII SCIentific-expert conference in Railways ‘Railcon’16’. 2016. 13-14.10.2016,Nis, SERBIA, ISBN 978-86-6055-086-8, pp 77 – 80 |