Scientific paper ID 2276 : 2022/3

Vasil Dimitrov, Martin Getov

The Sofia underground is a main transport artery of public urban transport in the city of Sofia. In the period 2020-2021, the third metro diameter (line 3) of the subway was put into operation. It is served with a new high-tech rolling stock – Siemens Inspiro SF metro trains, the movement of which is fully automatically controlled. Maintaining a high level of operational reliability of this transport system s minimizing the probability of failures and breakdowns in electric trains.

The report presents the results of a study of the causes of a short circuit on the roof of the Siemens Inspiro SF metro train. For the purposes of the study, the features of short circuits in direct current circuits are briefly considered, paying attention to the specifics of their detection and disconnection. The construction, design and electrical connections of the pantograph that caused the short circuit were analyzed in detail. A technical solution is indicated to eliminate the prerequisites for the occurrence of identical accidents in the future: separation of a greater distance of the earthing cable for the pantograph drive from the power cable for its control, installing an insulating clamp with a smaller gauge and changing the place for its attachment. This technical solution has also been implemented in the other metro trains operated on line 3.

метровлакове Siemens Inspiro SF късо съединение релейна защита.Siemens Inspiro SF metro trains short circuit relay protection.Vasil Dimitrov Martin Getov


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