Scientific paper ID 2262 : 2022/3

Pavlo Ggrishtenko, Martin Zlatkov

The battery is one of the main elements of an electric car. It is the main source of electrical energy needed to power the traction electric motor (electric motors).

The report examines the reasons for the occurrence of malfunctions with the cooling system, which leads to the shutdown of the operation of the electric vehicle. There are several reasons for the malfunction:

- untimely replacement of the cooling liquid or topping up with another that is not specified by the manufacturer. The result is corrosion and breakdown of the cooling coils of the elements. The entry of the cooling fluid into the battery is reported by the BMS as a violation of the insulation of the high-voltage system,

- clogging of the cooling radiators with leaves, insects and dust, causing the battery to overheat during fast DC charging (48 or 72kW).

- clogged cooling radiators in combination with aggressive driving also leads to overheating of the battery, which leads to its degradation,

- violation of the mechanical integrity of the battery in the event of impact or burying in the floor of the vehicle.

Акумулаторна батерия електромобил източник на електрическа енергия електродвигател литиевойонни литиевополимерни графен литий химически източник заряд-разряд автономно захранване химични реакции електролит електрическо превозно средство.AccuPavlo Ggrishtenko Martin Zlatkov






[5] Boris Velev, Usloviya za bezopasna i dalgotrayna eksploatatsiya na litievo-yonni baterii za elektromobili, V nauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie „KEIT 2020”, nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 11, broy 3, 2013 g., statiya № 0895
( [5] Борис Велев, Условия за безопасна и дълготрайна експлоатация на литиево-йонни батерии за електромобили, V научна конференция с международно участие „КЕИТ 2020”, научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, ISSN 1312-3823, том 11, брой 3, 2013 г., статия № 0895 )




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