Scientific paper ID 2258 : 2022/3
Martin Zlatkov, Petko Kostadinov In the last decade, almost all car manufacturers have introduced their electric car developments. The spectrum has grown, with some companies developing electric buses, electric vans and electric trucks. However, it became clear that it was not yet cost-effective to transport heavy loads at high speed over long distances in this way, due to the still high cost and large mass of the battery and the load itself. To address the above difficulties, several companies have proposed engineering solutions for on-the-go power supply, which are under development.
Numerous companies are developing concepts and working prototype systems to avoid the need for high-capacity traction batteries in vehicles. Systems are being developed for supplying electricity through ”overhead” catenary networks similar to the catenary network of trolleybus transport but with an improved current collection system. Intermittent catenary systems are being developed, where vehicles are equipped with a low-capacity traction battery and charging is carried out while driving in catenary sections. Systems with ”bottom” current collection are being developed, dividing it into two fundamentally different concepts. In one type of undercurrent collection, a contact rail is used, integrated into the road surface and allowing the safe movement of other types of vehicles and pedestrians. In the second type of system, an inductive (non-contact) connection is used between the current supply and current collection system. The report presents the trends for the development of electrified land transport. The features of the various proposed power supply systems are discussed. Електрифициран железопътен сухопътен товарен транспорт пантограф токоприемник токоснемател токоснемане контактна мрежа електродвигател електрозадвижване електрически каминон електротранспорт батерия електромобил електробус зареждане.ElecMartin Zlatkov Petko Kostadinov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] https://www.mobilegeeks.de/news/eroadarland... [2] http://blog.euroimportpneumatici.com/svezia... [3] https://www.energieleben.at/eroadarlanda-el... [4] http://www.electric-vehiclenews.com/2013/06... [5] https://www.volvogroup.com/en-en/news/2018/... [6] https://www.selfdrivingcars360.com/electric... [7] https://nplus1.ru/news/2018/04/13/sweden-ro... [8] Pavlov N., V. Dimitrov, Analiz na razlichnite shemi na zadvizhvane na elektromobilite, Mezhdunarodna Nauchna Konferentsiya „Transport 2021”, n. sp. „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 19, broy 3/3, statiya № 2139, 2021, str. H-45 – H-51 ( [8] Павлов Н., В. Димитров, Анализ на различните схеми на задвижване на електромобилите, Международна Научна Конференция „Транспорт 2021”, н. сп. „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, ISSN 1312-3823, том 19, брой 3/3, статия № 2139, 2021, стр. Х-45 – Х-51 ) [9] Dimitrov V., N. Pavlov, Study of the Starting Acceleration and Regenerative Braking Deceleration of an Electric Vehicle at Different Driving Modes, 13th Conference BulEF-2021, IEEEXplore Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/BulEF53491.2021.9690780, 2021 [9] https://nauka.offnews.bg/news/Tehnologii_7/... |