Scientific paper ID 2248 : 2022/3

Kosta Petrov Kostov

In the case of long-term operation of cran rail road with standard structural elements – rails, monolithik track base, intermediate and end rail fastenings, they should be technically fit and their dimensions should not be less than the d ones.

This report examined the impact of the elements of the cran track described and their impact in general on the technical suitability of bridge and portal-only cran-tracks. In existing other types of crane roads – monorails, hanging cranes bearing structural elements are most often double ”T” profile steel beams and different way of connecting between them.

The same study is particularly important when verifying the current technical condition of bridge and portal cranes in continuous operation of cran rail roads on them in order to avoid accidents and/or crane accidents, such as derailments, due to the accumulation over the years of individual failures and defects, such as: breakage of rail, absence of intermediate or end rail fasteners, loose gassies to bolt connections, large unacceptable wear – vertical and lateral on the head of the rail, combined with corrosion on all metal elements.

The specified failures during operation of the cran rail road with conventional structural elements lead to deterioration of the basic geometric parameters of the track by level and relative to the ratio between the two rails.

Подкранов релсов път релси релсови скрепления метални планки настави подрелсова основаcran railroad rail steel plateanchor bolt level track- basedKosta Petrov Kostov


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