Scientific paper ID 2236 : 2022/3

Vanio Ralev, Dobrinka Atmadzhova

Wagon wheelsets, as elements of the running part of the rolling stock (Rolling Vehicle), are the main and responsible parts for ensuring a reliable and safe transport process. The design, material, production technology, quality of repair, control of the condition of the track axles largely depend on the safety of the movement of trains, the smoothness of the course, the magnitude of the forces in the interaction with the rail track and the resistance to movement.

The construction, basic dimensions and technical conditions and ments for production, repair and control of their technical condition in operation are determined by the state standards of individual countries, international regulations and agreements. A number of models have been created to theoretically and experimentally determine the strength and durability of Rolling Vehicle. There is a need to study the resource of passenger wagon wheels regarding the wear of the tire profile.

During operation, the values of the controlled parameters are change, which characterize the process of wear of parts of the road transport system. For example, the controlled parameters are the value of the tire thickness, the thickness and height of the flange from the wheels of the wheelset, etc. A starting point for solving this problem is the ability to determine the resource of wagon wheels at all stages of the life cycle. For this, theoretical calculation methods are used and improved in combination with improvement of diagnostic methods and service technology.

пътнически вагони колооси колела износване ресурс.passenger wagons wheelsets wheels wear resource.Vanio Ralev Dobrinka Atmadzhova


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