Scientific paper ID 2192 : 2022/1

Miroslava Ivanova, Vesko Panov, Rosen Mitrev

The paper develops and investigates a linearized mathematical model describing the longitudinal motion of a robotic construction manipulator with a linear kinematic structure and a fixed load. By comparing the nonlinear and linear solutions, it was found that the error due to the linearization is within acceptable limits. The equilibrium positions of the system were determined and it was found that the upper equilibrium position of the column is stable. A modal analysis was performed and the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the system were determined. The mathematical model is presented in the state space and the transfer functions of the system are derived.

роботизиран строителен манипулатор динамика линеаризацияrobotic construction manipulator dynamics linearizationMiroslava Ivanova Vesko Panov Rosen Mitrev


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