Scientific paper ID 2113 : 2021/3
Milan Bižić, Dragan Petrović This paper presents a methodology for analytical calculation of strength of
freight wagon axle in accordance with European standards. The axle of standard freight wheelset for normal track gauge and axle-load of 22.5 t was considered. The authoritative loads of the axle, which originate from vehicle mass and braking, are discussed and analyzed. The principal scheme of loads of axle is given as well as the way of determination of quantitative values of all loads in accordance with European standards. The procedure of determination of operating and allowable stresses and proving the axle strength was performed and exposed. The obtained results are verified by the results of numerical calculation performed in Ansys software package. Изчисление на якост Ос на товарния вагон Железопътни превозни средстваStrength calculation Freight wagon axle Railway vehiclesMilan Bižić Dragan Petrović BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] W. Schütz, A history of fatigue, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 54, Issue 2, pp. 263-300, 1996. [2] M. Novosad, R. Fajkoš, B. Reha, R. Rezniček, Fatigue tests of railway axles, Procedia Engineering, 2, pp. 2259–2268, 2010. [3] L. Náhlík, P. Pokorný, M. Ševčík, R. Fajkoš, P. Matušek, P. Hutař, Fatigue lifetime estimation of railway axles, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 73, pp. 139-157, 2017. [4] F. Dikmen, M. Bayraktar, R. Guclu, Determination of critical section of wagon axle by considering dynamic and safety factors, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Volume 58, Issue 2, pp. 611-624, 2019. [5] M. Filippini, M. Luke, I. Varfolomeev, D. Regazzi, S. Beretta, Fatigue strength assessment of railway axles considering small-scale tests and damage calculations, Procedia Structural Integrity, 4, pp. 11-18, 2017. [6] B. Asngali, A. Susanto, M.F. Subkhan, I. Martinez, K. Yamada, F. Majedi, Static Analysis of Railway Axle using Finite Element Method and Monitoring of Railway Bearing Based on Vibration Analysis, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1845, 012037, pp. 1-7, 2021. [7] EN 13103, Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Non-powered axles - Design method 2010. [8] Ralev V., Atmadzhova D., STRENGTH CALCULATIONS OF WHEELS FOR PASSENGER BOGIES, International Scientific Conference ”TRANSPORT - 2019” Scientific journal http://www.mtc-aj.com Mechanics Transport Communications, issue No 17 2367-6620 (online) VI-40 - VI-51, 2019. [9] Atmadzhova D., Monograph, ”STUDY OF WAGON WHEELS - FORCES AND DYNAMICS OF INTERACTION” WHEEL-RAILWAY ”, Publishing House” Avangard Prima ”ISBN 978-619-239-456-1, 2020. |