Scientific paper ID 2112 : 2021/3
Kiril Marinkov The study of the technical condition of mobile work sites in working condition and their compliance with the ments of regulations is an important element for the safety of these machines. Even small deviations from regulatory standards can cause serious accidents, so it is necessary to perform regular technical inspections.
When putting them into operation, an initial technical inspection by a licensed control body is d, which enters the inspection in the audit book of the site. Operation and work with mobile work sites is not allowed when: - the lifting equipment, have not been registered before the technical supervision bodies or have not been technically inspected under Art. 108, para. 1, items 1 - 7 of the Ordinance for safe operation and technical supervision of lifting equipment / NBETNPS /, - personnel who do not possess the relevant legal capacity in accordance with Ordinance № 1 of 2002 on the terms and conditions for acquiring and recognizing the legal capacity to exercise the professions of operating cranes and mobile work platforms are not allowed to work with mobile work platforms, or has not been trained according to art. 55, item 3 of the Ordinance for safe operation and technical supervision of lifting equipment / NBETNPS /: The user and the persons managing the mobile work sites must observe the provision of art. 78 of the Ordinance for safe operation and technical supervision of lifting equipment / NBETNPS /, The purpose of this work is to study and assess the technical condition of mobile work sites, establishing their condition in accordance with applicable regulations. безопасност подвижни работни площадки видове диагностикаsafety mobile work sites types diagnosticsKiril Marinkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Naredba za bezopasna eksploatatsiya i tehnicheski nadzor na povdigatelni saorazheniya. V sila ot 18.10.2010 g. Prieta s PMS № 199 ot 10.09.2010 g. izm. i dop. DV. br.10 ot 5 fevruari 2021g., ( [1] Наредба за безопасна експлоатация и технически надзор на повдигателни съоръжения. В сила от 18.10.2010 г. Приета с ПМС № 199 от 10.09.2010 г. изм. и доп. ДВ. бр.10 от 5 февруари 2021г., ) [2] BDS EN 1298:2003 Podvizhni rabotni ploshtadki i skeleta. Pravila i rakovodstvo za sastavyane na rabotni instruktsii, ( [2] БДС EN 1298:2003 Подвижни работни площадки и скелета. Правила и ръководство за съставяне на работни инструкции, ) [3] BDS EN 16704-1:2017 Zhelezopatna tehnika. Relsov pat. Zashtita za bezopasnost na relsoviya pat po vreme na rabota. Chast 1: Riskove i obshti printsipi za zashtita na statsionarni i podvizhni rabotni ploshtadki, ( [3] БДС EN 16704-1:2017 Железопътна техника. Релсов път. Защита за безопасност на релсовия път по време на работа. Част 1: Рискове и общи принципи за защита на стационарни и подвижни работни площадки, ) [4] BDS ISO 4310:2010 Kranove. Pravila i metodi za izpitvane, ( [4] БДС ISO 4310:2010 Кранове. Правила и методи за изпитване, ) [5] https://destbul.com/sales-2/, [6] https://www.railwaypassion.com/forums/index... [7] https://versalift.com/bucket-truck/sst-36-n... |