Scientific paper ID 2082 : 2021/3
petrovic.d@mfkv.kg.ac.rs, bizic.m@mfkv.kg.ac.rs This paper presents some of the achievements in the development of railway vehicles in Kraljevo. The main carriers of this development are the Wagon Factory Kraljevo and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kraljevo, today”s Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo. In addition to them, it is important to emphasize the contribution of individuals outside these two institutions, such as Eng. Dobrivoje Božić. In order to provide the best possible design and control of finished products, various methods of calculation and testing of railway vehicles and their components have been conquered. The total creativity of engineers and workers from Kraljevo contributed to improvement of railway traffic in Serbia and around the world. Nowadays, the railway vehicle industry in Kraljevo is in transition phase. However, established laboratories, successfully realized projects and achieved results are great potential and ground for successful scientific researches and restart of industry of railway vehicles in Kraljevo.
железопътни превозни средства Кралево Фабрика за вагониRailway Vehicles Kraljevo Wagon Factorypetrovic.d@mfkv.kg.ac.rs bizic.m@mfkv.kg.ac.rs BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] N. Nedic, D. Petrović, M. Bižić, et al., Dobrivoje S. Božić – inventor of the modern train braking system, Thematic proceedings, Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, Kraljevo, 2016. (in Serbian) [2] Monograph FVK 1936-1976, Wagon Factory Kraljevo, Kraljevo, 1976. (in Serbian) [3] UIC 518, Testing and approval of railway vehicles from the point of view of their dynamic behavior - Safety - Track fatigue - Running behavior. [4] D. Petrović, M. Bižić, D. Atmadzova, Application of Rubber Elastic Elements In Suspension of Railway Vehicles, Academic Journal ``Mechanics Transport Communications``, Sofia, Bulgaria, Volume 15, Issue 3, Pp. VI-44-VI-50, 2017. [5] R. Rakanović, D. Petrović, Z. Šoškić, T. Simović, Testing of mechanical structures, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kraljevo, Kraljevo, 2006. (in Serbian) [6] M. Bižić, D. Petrović, M. Tomić, Z. Djinović, Development of method for experimental determination of wheel–rail contact forces and contact point position by using instrumented wheelset, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 7, 25 pp., 2017. |