Scientific paper ID 2044 : 2020/3

Irina Asenova, Hristina Spiridonova

Determining the sensitivity of the circuit functions of electrical circuits is a task, the solution of which is essential in the synthesis of different in type and purpose electrical and electronic devices. Finding this indicator is especially necessary in the design of frequency-selective devices, because the ments for the accuracy of reproduction of their frequency characteristics are too high. Sensitivity theory is an universal power tool for solving a number of problems related to the analysis and diagnostics of electrical circuits (EC). Sensitivity functions are used as a criterion for comparing different configurations of frequency-selective circuits and represent one of the most important indicators in their analysis.

The report defines the sensitivities of the first order of the transmission function of a T-shaped filter by means of signal graphs in symbolic form. The filter in question is part of the transmission path of a radio communication system and is used to compensate for some nonlinear effects of the real communication channel.

The simulation results of the transfer function sensitivity magnitude with respect to the parameters and frequency changing are presented.

анализ на чувствителността предавателни функции Т-филтър sensitivity analysis transfer functionsT-filterIrina Asenova Hristina Spiridonova


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