Scientific paper ID 2030 : 2020/3

Nikolay Pavlov1, Vasil Dimitrov2

The paper examines the process of acceleration when set off a light passenger electric car. The electrical drive of the studied electric vehicle s a synchronous electric motor with excitation by permanent magnets. Two approaches are used- computational and experimental. The experimental studies were performed in real road conditions. A low-frequency accelerometer mounted on a horizontal surface of the front panel of the electric vehicle was used to record the acceleration. The data is stored in the memory of a mobile computer using an analog-digital device. The characteristics of the acceleration process at standard and ecological mode of movement of the electric carhave been studied. Driving modes can be selected by the driver depending on his wishes. The computational results are compared with those obtained in road experiments. A comparative analysis of the acceleration characteristics of the electric car with those of a car of the same model, but driven by an internal combustion engine and a manual transmission with manual gear shifting, has also been made. The acceleration process in emergency mode, which is automatically switched on when the battery is very low, has also been studied. In this case, the control system significantly reduces the available power to provide a longer range to reach the charging station.

електромобил потегляне ускоряване динамикаelectric vehicle set off acceleration dynamicsNikolay Pavlov Vasil Dimitrov


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[4] Volkswagen up! 1.0 75HP move up! specs,




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