Scientific paper ID 2022 : 2020/3

Vladislav Boynovski, Ivan Milenov, Rumen Stoitsev

Increasingly stringent environmental standards and emission ments make electric vehicles more popular as they are considered zero-emission vehicles. In addition to the ments for ecology, more and more attention is paid to the high ments for the dynamic and economical performance of cars. These indicators depend on the parameters of the drive system. The report presents the results of an experimental study on the technical parameters and characteristics of asynchronous electric vehicle propulsion. The study was performed on a Renault Kangoo car Converted from petrol to electric. The vehicle is powered by an asynchronous motor with vector control and equipped with measuring equipment. Measurements were performed in real road conditions under different driving modes: acceleration, inertia movement, uniform movement, regenerative braking, movement at different road profile, etc. In these driving modes, measurements are made of: instantaneous values of current, voltage and power of the motor, torque, speed, energy consumption and recovered energy. Using GPS technology, a record of the basic measured quantities was made: distance traveled, speed time, altitude, horizontal and vertical profile of the road and others. The mechanical, speed and efficiency characteristics are build. An analysis of the obtained data was performed.

електромобили електрически задвижвания асинхронни двигателиHEV electric consumption regeneration methodVladislav Boynovski Ivan Milenov Rumen Stoitsev


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