Scientific paper ID 1945 : 2020/3

Slavcho Bozhkov1, Georgi Tonkov2

The new ments of modern automobiles become more stringent corresponding to power, torque, fuel economy, and ecology legislations [1]. The main factor in this area is the automotive engine fuel system, which is controlled by the electronic control unit (ECU). The electronic control of the Spark Ignition Engines (SI engines), as well as the Direct Ignition Engines (DI engines) is based on the certain sensors signals, program maps and management algorithms. In hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), the traction electric motors can operate independently or in association with the IC engine to power the wheels depending on the type of vehicle architecture [2]. One of the main HEV characteristics is the fuel consumption, which varies dynamically according to the work conditions. The advanced automotive scientific research centers and automotive manufacturers design and develop a specialized laboratory, stationary and movable test benches, and train complex for researching and testing of automotive energy efficiency, which is mainly depends on the fuel consumption. The dynamic measuring of the fuel consumption relates to all the work parameters as throttle angle or engine load, revolutions per minute, engine temperature, engine acceleration etc. Moreover, the continuous fuel flow circulation is also taken in consideration. This paper renders the methodology of dynamic tuning the Fuel Flow Measuring System EFMS100 on the test bench SKAD-1 for computer management of gasoline injection ICE with support of the standardized metering glass.

хибридни автомобили разход на гориво измерване методикаHEV fuel flow metering methodologySlavcho Bozhkov Georgi Tonkov


[1] Ehsani M., Y. Gao, S. E. Gay and A. Emadi. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicls. Fundamentals, Theory, and Design. CRC Press LLC, 2005

[2] Konrad R. Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology. ISBN 978-3-658-03971-4, Springer Vieweg, 2014

[3] Iqbal Husain. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Design Fundamentals 2nd ed. ISBN I9781439811788 (e-book), CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2018

[4] Slavcho Bozhkov, Marian Mutafchiev, Ivan Milenov, Penko Bozhkov, M.I. Bichurin, R.V. Petrov. Method for determination of the hybrid electric vehicle energy efficiency in urban transportation // Vestn. Novg. gos. un-ta. Ser.: Tehnicheskie nauki. 2019. UDK 681.586.785, 2019, DOI:
( [4] Slavcho Bozhkov, Marian Mutafchiev, Ivan Milenov, Penko Bozhkov, M.I. Bichurin, R.V. Petrov. Method for determination of the hybrid electric vehicle energy efficiency in urban transportation // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Технические науки. 2019. УДК 681.586.785, 2019, DOI: )


[6] Slavcho Bozhkov, Georgi Tonkov. Methodology for Static Tuning of the HEV Fuel Flow Measuring System, VIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “ENGINEERING. TECHNOLOGIES. EDUCATION. SECURITY”, 09 - 10 June 2020, Borovets, Bulgaria, Proceedings, Year IV, ISSN 2535-0315(Print), Issue 1 (8), Volume 1, pp.25-28, 2020

[7] Assoc.Prof. M.Sc. Bozhkov S. PhD. Generating Management Program of the Test Bench SKAD-1 for Computer Control of Automotive Gasoline Injection Engine, International Scientific Journal ”Trans Motauto World”, Print ISSN 2367-8399, Year IV, Issue 2/2019, pp.74-77, 2019






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