Scientific paper ID 1941 : 2020/3
Dragan Petrović When two wagons collide or when the wagons change the tempo of moving (starting, stopping, braking) there are longitudinal forces and accelerations that affect the stress-strain state of the supporting structures of the wagon. These loads can cause stress and strain of such magnitude to constitute a risk to the support structure of the wagons, and therefore for passengers and cargo. This paper is a continuation of research that has been implemented in the Wagon Factory of Kraljevo and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Construction in Kraljevo, and it is focused on an accurate analysis of the collision of two vehicles. Additionally, the theoretical equations of wagon collision are numerically solved and the results are compared with experimental ones. Comparative analysis of analytical, numerical and experimental results of wagons collision has shown satisfactory agreement. In that way, the adopted analytical model can be used for determining the dynamic parameters of the collision in the design of new wagons structures.
динамични параметри удар между вагони буферни сили.Dynamic parameters Wagons impact Buffer forcesDragan Petrović BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Pavlov V., Atmadzhova D., A crash buffer for railway vehicles, VIII International Scientific Conference HEAVY MACHINERY 2014, Kraljevo, Serbia, pp. F59-68, (2014) [2] W. Goldsmith, “Impact, The theory and Physical behaviour of colliding solids”, Edward Arnold & Co, London, (1960) [3] S.V. Vershinskiy, V.N. Danilov, I.I. Chelnokov, “Dinamika vagona”, Izdatelstvo: Transport, Moskva, (1978) ( [3] С.В. Вершинский, В.Н. Данилов, И.И. Челноков, “Динамика вагона”, Издательство: Транспорт, Москва, (1978) ) [4] D. Petrovic, “Stability of waggon carrying structure at impact”, Ph. D. thesis, Faculty of Mechanical Еngineering Kraljevo, Kraljevo, (2000) [5] D. Petrovic, M. Bizic, M. Djelosevic, “Determination of dynamic sizes during the process of impact of railway wagons”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Volume 82, Number 2, pp. 205-213, (2012) [6] D. Petrovic, “Dynamic of impact of waggons”, Zaduzbina Andrejevic, Belgrade, (2001) [7] B. Jovanović, D. Radunović, “Numerička analiza”, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, (1993) [8] N. Parezanović, D. Kolar, “Fortran 77”, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, (1989) [9] R. Rakanović, A. Babić, D. Petrović, i dr., “Elaborat 135/91: Statičko i dinamičko ispitivanje Tadnss-z kola”, Opitni centar FVK, Kraljevo, (1991) [10] R. Rakanović, D. Petrović, A. Babić, i dr., “Elaborat 125/91: Proračun noseće strukture Tadnss-z kola”, Opitni centar FVK, Kraljevo, (1991) [11] R. Rakanović, A. Babić, D. Petrović, i dr., “Elaborat 8/98, Ispitivanje kola za prevoz automobila Hccrrss”, Mašinski fakultet Kraljevo i Opitni centar FVK , Kraljevo, (1998) [12] R. Rakanović, D. Petrović, A. Babić, i dr., “Elaborat 158/98: Ispitivanje Uacns kola za prevoz praškastih materijala”, Mašinski fakultet Kraljevo i Opitni centar FVK, Kraljevo, (1998) [13] D. Petrović, M. Bižić, “Stability of reservoir of tank-wagon at longitudinal impact”, IMK-14 – Research and development, Volume 18, Number 1, pp. EN19-23, (2012) |