Scientific paper ID 1918 : 2020/2

Nina Gergova

The article reviews quality management as a mechanism for achieving sustainable development. The emphasis is on quality, as a management tool that plays a strong role in the work, development and competitiveness of each organization and business unit.

Quality management is presented as an important process in which the management functions planning, organizing, managing, decision-making, control are focused on the implementation of various activities in the business organization in order to achieve an equivalent between the final product or service and standardized ments.

The mechanisms for sustainable development for each business unit are directly related to the application and implementation of quality management systems. In order to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to take a comprehensive, comprehensive view of the problems, threats and opportunities for development of the organization in quality management. Different concepts of quality management are considered, which differ in their characteristics and are related to all actions leading to sustainable development of the business organization.

качество инструменти ефективност устойчиво развитие модели управлениеquality tools efficiency sustainable development models managementNina Gergova


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