Scientific paper ID 1909 : 2020/1
Julia Varadinova In the report is submitted a methodology for valuation of the level of concentration of the market for maritime container transportations. The fundamental measurements, by which the level of concentration is valued, are: number of companies in the branch, market stake of each company, coefficient of concentration, index of Herfindal - Hirschman (HHI), curve of concentration and curve of Lorentz. The methodology has been applied for Georgia by being determined and compared the type of the market in terms of the level of competition for both years- 2018 and 2019. On this basis have been valued also the tendencies for its development.
The biggest increase of its market stake in Georgia is admitting the company EMC. This company transports with 6, 62% more containers to the ports of the country, thereby ranking themselves third as container lines. On the top of the rank, despite 9, 49% less business, remains MSC. The company has a market stake in Georgia at the rate of 45, 10% for 2018 year, compared to 54, 59% for the next year. Maersk remains its second position in Georgia, as well as in Bulgaria, by reporting on an increase at the rate of 1, 42% to 18, 52% for 2018 year from the market in the Black Sea country. The international pattern and meaning of the maritime transport are undoubted. The study of the condition of market and the organization of work in these large maritime companies is essentially important for improving the work of the Bulgarian water carriers too. международен транспорт. контейнерни превози транспортен пазар пазарна концентрация конкуренция пазарен дял коефициент на концентрация методология.international transport container transport transport market market concentration competition marJulia Varadinova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Varadinova J., Assessment of the concentration level of the market of rail freight transport in the Republic of Bulgaria, XV Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya “Menidzhmant i Inzhenering’ 17”, ISSN 1310-3946, ISSN 1314-6327, TU-Sofiya, 2017 g., 2017g. ( [1] Varadinova J., Assessment of the concentration level of the market of rail freight transport in the Republic of Bulgaria, XV Международна научна конференция “Мениджмънт и Инженеринг’ 17”, ISSN 1310-3946, ISSN 1314-6327, ТУ-София, 2017 г., 2017г. ) [2] Razmov, T., N. Stoycheva, Analiz i potentsial za realizatsiya na feribotni linii Balgariya – Turtsiya, Godishnik na VTU „T.Kableshkov”, ISSN 1314-362X, 2013, br. 4, Sofiya, 2013, 2013 g. ( [2] Размов, Т., Н. Стойчева, Анализ и потенциал за реализация на фериботни линии България – Турция, Годишник на ВТУ „Т.Каблешков”, ISSN 1314-362X, 2013, бр. 4, София, 2013, 2013 г. ) [3] Borisov A. „Technological design of Oil Derivatives Terminal Operation at Port of Varna”, EURO – ZEL 2015,23rd,International,Symposium ,2 – 3, June 2015, Žilina, SK, ISBN 978-80-263-0936-9., 2015г. [4] Borisov, A. & Velyova, V., 2016. Logistics management of processes ensuring the operations of oil derivatives chain, MEST Journal, 15 January, 4(1), pp. 11-18, DOI10.12709/mest.,ISSN 2334-7058 (Online) & ISSN 2334-7171, 2016г. |