Scientific paper ID 1896 : 2019/3
Ivan Kolarov The problem with internal and masked incompleteness in aluminum castings is up to date and is one of the reasons for reducing the resource of products. The concentration of pores in a small part of the casting causes of a slight change in its weight and is difficult to register. In the process of testing aluminum details with proven leakage disturbances, vibro-acoustic deviations have been recorded, which are can not be explained by the existence of internal incompleteness.
The aim of the present work is to perform a vibro-acoustic study of aluminum casting with porous local plots. The purpose of the work is achieved by dividing a 3D model of a studied sample into a CAD environment as a assembled unit, consisting of two parts: a main structure and a section with proven cases of frequently registered internal cracks. For each part of the model, elastic features are set according to the solution sought. The resonance frequencies of the model with porosity were calculated with partial porosity and elastic features of aluminum as determined by other authors. The obtained theoretical results were compared with experimental data from a vibro-acoustic study of samples with proven leakage in the critical part and of equal mass, measured with a resolution of 1 g of the weight. The results obtained are used to explain the observed differences between the theoretical and experimental study of the vibro-acoustic behavior of the specimen. Виброа-акустичнаа диагностика на локални порести зони в отлети от алуминиева сплав машинни елементиVibro-acoustical diagnostics of local porous zones in cast aluminum alloy machine parts.Ivan Kolarov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Cast alloys and products. The Aluminium Automative Manual. Version. European Aluminium Association. 2002 [2] M. Weber, J. Baumeister, J. Banhart and H.-D. Kunze. Selected mechanical and physical properties of metal foams. POWDER METALLURGY 1994 [3] Max Larner and Lilian P. Dávila. THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POROUS ALUMINUM USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD SIMULATIONS AND COMPRESSION EXPERIMENTS. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1580 Materials Research Society, 2013. [4] RICHARD A. HARDIN and CHRISTOPH BECKERMANN Effect of Porosity on the Stiffness of Cast Steel. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2007. [5] Monroe R. Porosity in Castings. Paper 05-245, Page 1 of 28. American Foundry Society, Schaumburg, IL USA. 2005 [6] Harris’ shock and vibration handbook. Allan G. Piersol, editor.—5th ed. McGRAW-HILL. 2002. ISBN 0-07-137081-1. [7] Kolarov I. Diagnostika na povredi v mashinni elementi chrez modalen analiz. Str. 138, Sofiya, 2015 g. ISBN 978-619-90083-4-8. ( [7] Коларов И. Диагностика на повреди в машинни елементи чрез модален анализ. Стр. 138, София, 2015 г. ISBN 978-619-90083-4-8. ) [8] Haoqi Li, Fei Ren. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Offers Unique Advantages as a Nondestructive Test Method. ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES • OCTOBER 2014. [9] Kolarov I, D. Dobrev. VIBROAKUSTIChNO REGISTRIRANE NA TIPIChNI DEFEKTI V ALUMINIEV KORPUSEN DETAYL ZA SGLOBYaVANE NA POMPI. „NDT days 2017”/ „Dni na bezrazrushitelniya kontrol 2017”, Sozopol, 2017. (ISSN 1310-3946) ( [9] Коларов И, Д. Добрев. ВИБРОАКУСТИЧНО РЕГИСТРИРАНЕ НА ТИПИЧНИ ДЕФЕКТИ В АЛУМИНИЕВ КОРПУСЕН ДЕТАЙЛ ЗА СГЛОБЯВАНЕ НА ПОМПИ. „NDT days 2017”/ „Дни на безразрушителния контрол 2017”, Созопол, 2017. (ISSN 1310-3946) ) [10] Kolarov I. Vibro-akustichna otsenka na geometrichni otkloneniya na otlivki. Natsionalna konferentsiya „Akustika 2018“, Godina XX, Broy 20, str. 61-84, Sofiya, 2018. ISSN 1312-4897. ( [10] Коларов И. Вибро-акустична оценка на геометрични отклонения на отливки. Национална конференция „Акустика 2018“, Година XX, Брой 20, стр. 61-84, София, 2018. ISSN 1312-4897. ) |