Scientific paper ID 1887 : 2019/3
Emiliya Dimitrova, Bozhidar Rozev GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) networks are a relatively new technology, but they are increasingly used in the construction of optical networks: both short-range networks and networks about 50 km away. GPON is a point-to-multipoint network architecture that provides home optical connectivity and uses powered optical splitters through which signals are delivered on a single fiber to many private homes and office spaces. The passive test network contains an Optical Line Termination Device (OLT) located in the provider`s central office and a number of optical networking devices (ONUs) installed close to end customers. The GPON configuration reduces the number of optics and central equipment d for point-to-point architectures. A feature of GPON networks is the use of WDM to provide full duplex operation on a single fiber. Customer data is assumed to be transmitted at 1310 nm and in the opposite direction to 1490 nm. A wavelength of 1550 nm is sometimes used to transmit data to the customer when providing an additional service. The paper presents the rules for designing a GPON optical network, examines the ments for using only fiber optic cable and passive components such as splitters and couplers, without amplifiers, repeaters, and more. The value of these networks is significantly lower than those using active components.
оптични мрежи GPON проектиране изгражданеOptical Networks GPON Design ConstructionEmiliya Dimitrova Bozhidar Rozev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Toshkov A., Proektirane i izgrazhdane na optichni mrezhi, BSU, 2011 ( [1] Тошков A., Проектиране и изграждане на оптични мрежи, БСУ, 2011 ) [2] Harlov B.. Ognyan Velchev Proektirane na optichnite mrezhovi strukturi pri preminavane ot ‘LAN’ kam ‘PON’ mrezhi v nashi usloviya, HHIV Telecom 2016, 162-170 ( [2] Харлов Б.. Огнян Велчев Проектиране на оптичните мрежови структури при преминаване от ‘LAN’ към ‘PON’ мрежи в наши условия, ХХIV Telecom 2016, 162-170 ) [3] Chinlon Lin, editor. Broadband – Optical Access Networks and Fiber-to-the-home. England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2006 [4] Gerd Keiser. FTTX - Concepts and applications. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2006 [5] V. Dimitrov, G. Nedjib, Peculiarities in construction of SCADA system for monitoring of electrical power supply networks, 10th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference BulEF-2018 IEEEXplore Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/BULEF.2018.8646952, 2018 [6] Instruktsiya za izgrazhdane na optichna liniya, 2015 ( [6] Инструкция за изграждане на оптична линия, 2015 ) [7] Passive Optical LAN (POL) - Design Guide, CommScope Inc., 2014 [8] Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks – G.984.3, ITU-T – Tele-communication standardization sector of ITU, 2009 |