Scientific paper ID 1871 : 2019/3
Nikola Stamboliev, Georgi Pavlov The power supply and the energy supply of the railway transport in the Republic of Bulgaria are implemented by a single phase AC system of 25kV, 50Hz (through a contact system), for the stable operation it is necessary to pay special attention to one of the heavy operating modes, during the winter period.
Reliability and reliability during operation are one of the basic ments for any facility or machine, ie. characterizing them with minimal failures. In order to meet these ments it is also necessary to provide for possible non-specific modes which may impair the normal operation of the contact network. At the same time, it is necessary to develop measures and measures to ensure faultless operation in these regimes. The weather conditions during the winter period help ice freezing, in particular the formation of an ice coat on the contact wire. In this way, drafting is deteriorated, which in turn is a prerequisite for breaking the traffic timetable and the cross-sectional capacity of the railway infrastructure. The report discusses a method for preventing and eliminating ice formation by the equalization method, as well as an analysis of its advantages and disadvantages. железопътен транспорт контактна мрежа обледяванеoverhead contact line ice train movementNikola Stamboliev Georgi Pavlov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balgaranov L. „Elektricheski transport” , TU Sofiya, 2009. ( [1] Българанов Л. „Електрически транспорт” , ТУ София, 2009. ) [2] Matov P. Tyagova elektricheska energiya v BDZh. Sp. „Zhelezopaten transport” 4/2002. ( [2] Матов П. Тягова електрическа енергия в БДЖ. Сп. „Железопътен транспорт” 4/2002. ) [3] Matov P., R. Kaharkov. Razpredelen kapatsitet na kontaktni mrezhi za promenliv tok. XVII mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Transport 2007”. Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, br.3, 2007g., statiya 0167. ( [3] Матов П., Р. Кахърков. Разпределен капацитет на контактни мрежи за променлив ток. XVII международна научна конференция „Транспорт 2007”. Научно списание „Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, бр.3, 2007г., статия 0167. ) [4] Tehnicheska dokumentatsi za TES ot Podelenie „Elektrorazpredelenie“ pri DP NKZhI. ( [4] Техническа документаци за ТЕС от Поделение „Електроразпределение“ при ДП НКЖИ. ) |