Scientific paper ID 1832 : 2019/3

Penko Tzvetkov Petkov

The evolution of automotive engineering is associated with increasingly complex problems to ensure high reliability, safety, energy economy and environmental friendliness combined with increased functional comfort. The pneumatic tyre (PT) as a constituent element of the running wheel performs the immediate functional connection of the system «Road surface – Car – Driver (passengers)». When running PT is subjected to related mechanical influences, a part of which through the elements of the suspension is transmitted to the body of the car and cause the generation of oscillations in a wide frequency range. The mechanical and vibration acoustic comfort of the car is determined from the oscillation and noise levels in the cabin.

The constructions and the technology of PT are developed in parallel with those of the mechanisms, systems, and nodes of the automotive equipment. Despite the advantages of PT with radial construction, when moving the vehicle on roads with fine irregularities, they are a source of intense vibrations in a certain frequency area. An opportunity to improve the vibration properties of the radial PT is based on an appropriate selection of the parameters of the main and additionally embedded elements in its construction. The work researches the effect of some of these parameters on the vibration activity of PT. To obtain practical results sufficient to objectively assess the vibration behaviour of the target of research, an experimental-analytical approach has been applied based on the method of factor analysis and the mathematical planning of the experiment.

радиална пневматична гума; вибрационна активност; усилваща лента в страницата; ъгъл на наклона на кордните нишки в усилващата лента; планиране на експериментаradial pneumatic tyre; vibration activity; reinforcement bar on the sidewall; angle of inclinatiPenko Tzvetkov Petkov


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