Scientific paper ID 1809 : 2019/3
Anastasiia Prigoda, Irina Teterkina Historically, transport has played a Central role in the development of the economic sector of States. At most stages of economic development, it meets the needs of each sector as well as the population. The development of sea routes, the construction of highways and Railways, as well as the creation of air routes provided an extensive logistics network. All world States differ in the level of provision of transport infrastructure, which is influence by many factors, both internal and external. This article analyzes the two countries of South-East Asia, which are radically different in terms of transport security. The region is one of the most populous in the world, and the ten countries United in the international organization of ASEAN represent the seventh largest economy in the world. Now, South-East Asia is ahead of most countries of the world in terms of development. In such circumstances, a high level of development of communication routes is necessary. In addition, a decisive factor for the development of transport infrastructure is the location of the region at one of the most important crossroads of trade routes. The study based on data from the following sources: OICA, World Bank, ASEAN Statistical Yearbook. Studies show that the infrastructure should all modes of transport with all components, as well as conditioning parts of the mechanism of the national economy, working in the field of movement of products or goods from suppliers to consumers.
транспорт икономическо развитие инфраструктура Асоциация на страните от Югоизточна Азия (ASEAN).transport economic development infrastructure ASEAN.Anastasiia Prigoda Irina Teterkina BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2018 [Electronic resource] https://www.aseanstats.org/wp-content/uploa... [2] Association of Southeast Asian Nations [Electronic resource] https://asean.org/ [3] CIA World Factbook [Electronic resource] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/re... [4] The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018 [Electronic resource] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2017-2018/0... [5] The importance of air transport to Malaysia 2017 [Electronic resource] https://www.iata.org/policy/Documents/benef... [6] The importance of air transport to Philippines 2017 [Electronic resource] https://www.iata.org/policy/Documents/benef... |