Scientific paper ID 1779 : 2019/3
Jelena Maletić, Zoran Čekerevac Transshipment is an essential part of the transport of goods. The transition to intermodal transport systems has significantly determined the development of the transshipment systems as a whole. ments for their unification, typing, and standardization create the necessary conditions for the automation of transshipment in all its segments. In this paper, vertical and horizontal technologies are differentiated, their basic characteristics, profitability and feasibility, and other details are compared. After a comparative analysis, a model of choosing the appropriate technological solution was proposed through the evaluation of the most frequently used transshipment technology based on the most important criteria for means with cyclical action. The key to designing the terminal is that the technology corresponds to the intended capacity of the terminal and that for this capacity has the best ratio of capacity-price. Also, one should bear in mind the possibility of further enlargement regarding the constant growth of goods traffic. To select the appropriate technology, the SAW method was selected. The relative relations of the key parameters of the different alternatives are shown, and their normalization was performed. Also, the dimension matrix with which the analyzed technologies were ranked was formed. The proposed model can usefully serve anyone involved in the planning of transportation technology in logistic centers, from the aspect of capacity and labor costs.
претоварване технология планиране модел SAWTransshipment technology planning SAW modelJelena Maletić Zoran Čekerevac BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Alamy, ”Container carrier truck loading a container, transportation, logistics, illustration,” Alamy, 10 09 2013. [Online] [Accessed 30 05 2019] [2] Kalmar, ”Straddle Carriers,” Kalmar, 2018. [Online] Available: https://www.kalmarglobal.com/equipment/stra... [Accessed 30 05 2019] [3] B. Davidović, Tehnologije kombinovanog transporta, Beograd: VEDES, 2012. [4] R. C. Scott and T. F. Peeper, ”Economic Returns from Broadleaf Weed Control in Hard Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum),” Weed Technology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 797-806, 1994. [5] Ref 3.22, ”Operation of Fork Lift Trucks,” 18 09 2017. [Online] Available: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_... [Accessed 30 05 2019] [6] n.d., ”Combilift Combi SL Side Loader Forklift,” Wisconsin Lift Truck Corp., 2019. [Online] Available: https://www.wisconsinlift.com/product/combi... [Accessed 30 05 2019] [7] Evocon, ”Telescopic handlers,” 2019. [Online] Available: http://www.evocon.rs/files/Manitou_MT_X_14_... [Accessed 30 05 2019] [8] n.d., Stručno mišljenje o horizontalnom sistemu pretovara kontenera, Beograd: Saobraćajni fakultet, 1991. [9] D. Tadić, Operaciona istraživanja u upravljanju proizvodnjom, Kragujevac: Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, 2009. |