Scientific paper ID 1768 : 2019/4
Irena Bozhichkova, Martin Zlatkov, Petko Kostadinov, Zdravko Bakalov The subject ”High Voltage Technique” is mandatory in the curriculum of faculties studying energy. This necessitates the need to illustrate some of the processes during the operation of high voltage equipment. These processes could be recreated in part in a training laboratory using special equipment. High-voltage test equipment is an integral part of the equipment of a state-of-the-art high-voltage laboratory.
The report examines failures and failures in a particular 50kV / 50Hz high voltage test system. Described are ways of locating them. The methods for their removal and restoration of the facility`s performance are shown. The prophylaxis to be done is related to the dismantling of old and damaged measuring devices. The fitting of new instruments is based on the selection of suitable ones, their precise calibration and working together with a suitable electrical circuit. The actual scheme of the system as well as the integrated circuit is given to the corresponding measuring instrument. Safe operation of the test system is related to its qualitative grounding and zeroing. For the safety of service personnel, secure operation of the cage door limit switch is d. It serves to reliably disconnect the operating circuits and shut down the high voltage system in the event of improper manipulation by monitors and users. A proposal has been made to provide additional duplicate cell protection (motion sensor) in the event of human factor interference while operating the system. ТВН техника на високите напрежения лаборатория изпитвателна високоволтова уредба трекингоустойчивост пропълзяващ ток пробив изолация изолатор импулсин генератор искроустойчивост дъгоустойчивост.High voltage equipment laboratory test high volIrena Bozhichkova Martin Zlatkov Petko Kostadinov Zdravko Bakalov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] http://tpetrov.com/search?prod=Klyuch 701 ShAU-BAU ( [1] http://tpetrov.com/search?prod=Ключ 701 ШАУ-БАУ ) [2] https://forum.napravisam.bg/viewtopic?t=655... [3] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zazemyavane ( [3] https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Заземяване ... ) [4] http://tirengineering.com/?act=content&... [5] http://radimex.eu/vsd96-0-500-v-ac [6 https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformator... ( [6 https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Трансформатор... ) |