Scientific paper ID 1705 : 2018/3
Martin Zlatkov The utilization of energy resources from renewable energy sources is a means of achieving sustainable energy development and minimizing harmful environmental impacts. In this respect, the use of wind energy is a matter of great importance. Various wind generators find wider application and one of them has been designed and built in the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. An average power wind turbine, weighing over 100 kg, has been designed and made. Due to the significant weight of the system, it is not appropriate to use a passive yaw system. The mass practice for large wind turbines is to use an active yaw system that s a wind turbine and electrical drive. Both types of yaw systems have a disadvantage - torsion of power and communication cables. It is not suitable to use a ring-brush apparatus for transmitting the communication signals due to the danger of interference and the need to transmit a large number of signals. The report presents a modified yaw system that eliminates these issues. It is realized by electromechanical automation devices, which predisposes to minimize the number of faults in the conditions of electromagnetic disturbances and electrostatic fields.
Ветрогенератор енергийна ефективност възобновяеми източници на енергияWind generator energy efficiency renewable energy sourcesMartin Zlatkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] https://www.liebherr.com/en/prt/products/co... [2] http://www.balljointbearings.com/sale-61585... [3] http://www.incore-cables.com/wind-turbine-c... [4] http://www.thinkstockphotos.fr/image/fotogr... [5] http://www.fujikura.com/solutions/windfarm/... [6] https://www.erneuerbareenergien.de/wind-tur... [7] https://www.windpowerengineering.com/mechan... [8] Dimitrov V., Izsledvane na senzori, spetsifichni za savremennite elektricheski transportni sredstva, n.sp. Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii, ISSN 1312-3823, t. 12, br. 3/2, st. № 1012, 2014 ( [8] Димитров В., Изследване на сензори, специфични за съвременните електрически транспортни средства, н.сп. Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации, ISSN 1312-3823, т. 12, бр. 3/2, ст. № 1012, 2014 ) [9] Dimitrova E., P. Atanasov, Dynamic fault tree. Computation of parameters – part I, IX Int. Conf. HM-2017, Zlatibor, Serbia, Proceedings, ISBN 978-86-82631-89-7, pp. B109-B114 [10] Dimitrova E., P. Atanasov, Dynamic fault tree. Computation of parameters – part II, IX Int. Conf. HM-2017, Zlatibor, Serbia, Proceedings, ISBN 978-86-82631-89-7, pp. B115-B122 |