Scientific paper ID 1688 : 2018/3
Stoyna Kostova The article reviews the types of strengthening structure used in building engineering. The strengthenings are divided depends on the duration of the fortifying, depends on the static scheme of the structure, and on the way of execution. Using reinforcements in urban condition. Choice of the type of fortifying structure according to the type of soil, the depth of the pit and the presence of ground water. Use of diaphragm walls, pile walls, sheet walls, „Berlin” type walls and others to strengthen deep building pits. Earth pressure on the retaining structure. Determination of the load of active and passive earth pressure on the strengthening structure. Impact of water on different types of walls. Features and novelties in the calculation of fortifying constructions according to Eurocode 7-1. Design approach used to calculate strengthening structures according to BDS Eurocode 7-1. Partial coefficients for materials, loads, and bearing capacity according the new standards. Design and characteristic values of earth pressure and water pressure. Applying the Eurocode 7-1 recommendations in designing of retaining structures. Construction solutions for strengthening of deep excavations. Conclusions and recommendations for the implementation and building of different fortifying structure in existing streets and buildings are given.
укрепителни конструкции шлицови стени пилотни стени Еврокод 7-1.sheet wallretaining wall diaphragm walls pilе walls Eurocode 7-1.Stoyna Kostova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS EN 1997-1:2005, Evrokod 7: Geotehnichesko proektirane. Chast 1: Osnovni pravila, 2007, i Natsionalno prilozhenie kam Evrokod 7– BDS EN 1997-1 / NA. ( [1] БДС EN 1997-1:2005, Еврокод 7: Геотехническо проектиране. Част 1: Основни правила, 2007, и Национално приложение към Еврокод 7– БДС EN 1997-1 / NA. ) [2] Normi za proektirane na podporni steni (NPPS) (otpechatani v BSA, br. 10 ot 1986 g., izm., BSA, br. 8 ot 1990 g.). ( [2] Норми за проектиране на подпорни стени (НППС) (отпечатани в БСА, бр. 10 от 1986 г., изм., БСА, бр. 8 от 1990 г.). ) [3] NAREDBA № 3, „Za osnovnite polozheniya za proektirane na konstruktsiite na stroezhite i za vazdeystviyata varhu tyah” 21 yuli 2004 g. izm. i dop., br. 33 ot 2005 g. ( [3] НАРЕДБА № 3, „За основните положения за проектиране на конструкциите на строежите и за въздействията върху тях” 21 юли 2004 г. изм. и доп., бр. 33 от 2005 г. ) [4] Kostova St., Analiz na protsedurata za izchislenie na noseshtata sposobnost na zemnata osnova spored Evrokod 7 nauchno spisanie `Mehanika transport komunikatsii` art. ID:1558, 1 / 2018 ( [4] Костова Ст., Анализ на процедурата за изчисление на носещата способност на земната основа според Еврокод 7 научно списание `Механика транспорт комуникации` art. ID:1558, 1 / 2018 ) |