Scientific paper ID 1661 : 2018/2
Dimitar Hubchev Subject of the publication is the determination of stress-strain condition of reinforced concrete elements with circular cross-section and evenly distributed longitudinal reinforcement along the periphery subjected to a bending moment.
The structures shall be designed to have adequate structural resistance, serviceability and durability. Serviceability concerns the functioning of the structures under normal use, the comfort of people and the appearance of the construction works. According to Eurocode 2 serviceability is achieved by stress limitation, crack control and deflection control. The compressive stress in the concrete shall be limited in order to avoid longitudinal cracks, micro-cracks or high levels of creep, where they could result in unacceptable effects on the function of the structure. The cracking may lead to a reduction of durability. The tensile stresses in the reinforcement shall be limited in order to avoid inelastic strain, unacceptable cracking or unacceptable deformation. Also the stress value is a d quantity for the fatigue verifications of concrete and reinforcement. To determine the stresses need to know the second moment of area of the cross-section. The purposes of this publication is to create an algorithm and to make a table for determining the second moment of area for cracked states of elements with circular cross-section and evenly distributed longitudinal reinforcement along the periphery, subjected to a bending moment. The determination of the second moment of area is based on the equality of the internal forces in the concrete and the reinforcement. стоманобетонни елементи с кръгло напречно сечение експлоатационни гранични състояния напрежения в бетона напрежения в армировката.reinforced concrete structures with circular cross-section serviceability limit states stress in the concrete stress iDimitar Hubchev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS EN 1992-1-1. Evrokod 2: Proektirane na betonni i stomanobetonni konstruktsii. Chast 1-1: Obshti pravila i pravila za sgradi, 2005. ( [1] БДС EN 1992-1-1. Еврокод 2: Проектиране на бетонни и стоманобетонни конструкции. Част 1-1: Общи правила и правила за сгради, 2005. ) [2] Dvayt, G. B. Tablitsy integralov i drugie matematicheskie formuly, izdatelstvo „Nauka”, Moskva, 1973 g. ( [2] Двайт, Г. Б. Таблицы интегралов и другие математические формулы, издательство „Наука”, Москва, 1973 г. ) [3] Hubchev, D. Stomanobetonni elementi s kraglo naprechno sechenie, podlozheni na ogavane – usiliya v betona i armirovkata, e-spisanie „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, br. 1 /2018 g. ( [3] Хубчев, Д. Стоманобетонни елементи с кръгло напречно сечение, подложени на огъване – усилия в бетона и армировката, е-списание „Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, бр. 1 /2018 г. ) |