Scientific paper ID 1659 : 2018/2
Aleksandra Tornjanski, Salih Sutkovic, Daniela Todorova, Prof. dr. Nada Zivanovic The development of human resources in business and manufacturing enterprises is a priority of every management in our country and in the world. Globally, the market laws of business high-quality human resources that are willing to operate flexibly and teamly in relation to changes imposed by the market and customers.
Today, the theory and practice has been updated Human Resource Management to the extent that the human factor, viewed from the perspective of organization and change management, took first place in industrial and other enterprises.The question arises: How is a human factor evolving on the modern business principles of companies that monitor and develop market business laws? Analyzes and research say that the basis of the organization of work of all enterprises is contained in business functions in their goals and management. The structure of the human resources management work plan high lights: 1. Their development business policy 2. Implementation of quality procedures in the management process 3. Individual and social aspects of people who have a great importance in the TQM concept and others. What is being said about individual and social aspects is the decision to be taken and all the actions taken in this regard. The essence is in good management of people who create and support a competitive advantage. Factors that determine the key determinants of human resources as an imperative of development, in the first place a long-term period of education, continuously and continuously. The main goal is to implement the activities effectively and efficiently - teamwork in order to successfully conduct complex activities in the function of the business strategy. Managing change in the field of business functions of human resources, encompasses a number of basic activities that carry out this business function in the process of work through: vision, strategy, flexibility, attitudes, values, beliefs in the reality of success. In today`s business of industrial organizations that are in the IV revolution of promotion, one should emphasize the process in which he evaluated the human factor in parallel with the evolution of their management. Namely, it was previously considered to be personal management, which was simultaneously used to indicate a specific approach to managing, managing and managing people.Today it is a management team, where a man is the key to the success of all plans, strategies, visions and goals. Team work in the global industry is accepted as the best solution for all work tasks and problems that companies face in today`s market. The main motto of scientists and pragmatists in the world is that: ”Every individual achieves more in the team than he could ever”.The aim is to reduce costs, shorten the deadlines and motivate and enjoy the work done.The goal is to create effective teams. бизнес функции управление човешки ресурси човешки факторbusiness functions management human resources human factorAleksandra Tornjanski Salih Sutkovic Daniela Todorova Prof. dr. Nada Zivanovic BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Draker, P. (2015)., History of management, USA. [2] https: // www. pexels.com/timski rad [3] https://www.iserbia.rs/biznis-i-edukacija/t... [4] http://www.poslovni.hr/tips-and-tricks/tims... [5] http // mariopilar.com / category / management / leadership, 2016. [6] Živanović, N., Živanović, V. (2018), Menadžment kvalitetom – Savremeni trendovi Business and Law Faculty, University ”UNION - Nikola Tesla” Belgrade, Serbia [7] http://edukacija.rs/wp-content/uploads, 2014. [8] https: / dejlkarnegi / Filed Under: Motivation Tagged With, 2015. [9] http://www.inspiracija.rs/index/autori/dejl... [10] http://edukacija.rs/poslovne-vestine/menadž... [11] Carnegie, D. (2014)., How to Stop Worrying and Start Laving, Simon & Schuste,New York. [12] James, A. F., Stoner, R., Feeman, E. & Gilbert, D. R. Jr. (2005), Management, Prentice Hall Inc. [13] Lambovska, Maya, ”Application Of A Model For Control On Teams At University Of Transport “Todor Kableshkov”, Akademic journal, Mechanics, Transport, Communications, ISSN 1312-3823,2/2013 [14] Foy, N. (2015), The Yin and Yang of Organizations (Jin and Yang Organization), Grant McIntyre, China |