Scientific paper ID 1608 : 2018/3
Martina Tomcheva Electric transport is vital for European cities, and modern electrical transport must meet a number of specific ments related to their energy efficiency, comfort and environmental friendliness. These ments depend on a number of factors that should be used in a complex way.
In urban electric transport, various AC and DC electric vehicles are operated. This great variety creates certain difficulties for the actual determination and assessment of their energy efficiency. One of the most important tasks of electric transport is the significant reduction in energy consumption, and in this direction the electric thrust has huge untapped possibilities. The most effective measures in this direction are the optimal use of the recuperation and the adjustment of the operating modes of traction motors and auxiliary electric machines of the ETC. In this connection, it is necessary to study and analyze all possible modes of operation of the used electric transport vehicles, on the basis of which their energy efficiency is assessed. This can be done by experimentally and analytically examining the basic parameters for each type of ETC, based on the analysis of the results obtained, to develop and to create methods and means oriented to solving the complex problems of economy and increasing efficiency using the recovered energy. електрическо спиране електрически транспортни средства рекуперация рекуперативно спиране тролейбус.electric braking electric vehicles recuperation regenerative braking trolleybus.Martina Tomcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balgaranov L. Elektricheski transport – gr. Sofiya, 2009g. ( [1] Българанов Л. Електрически транспорт – гр. София, 2009г. ) [2] SKODA Solaris – Tehnicheska dokumentatsiya, shemi, parametri i harakteristiki., 2014 g. ( [2] SKODA Solaris – Техническа документация, схеми, параметри и характеристики., 2014 г. ) [3] Dimitrov G., G. Pavlov. Analiz na efektivnostta na rekuperativnite spirachni sistemi na troleybusi Škoda Solaris v realni eksploatatsionni usloviya. Sp. Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii, 2016 g. ( [3] Димитров Г., Г. Павлов. Aнализ на ефективността на рекуперативните спирачни системи на тролейбуси Škoda Solaris в реални експлоатационни условия. Сп. Механика, транспорт, комуникации, 2016 г. ) [4] Al-Saleh I.G., Sleptsov M.A. Elektricheskiy raschet vnutrennego elektrosnabzheniya pri rekuperatsii na linii mezhdu gorodami Amman i Zarka. Radioelektronika, elektrotehnika i energetika: Sedmaya mezhdunar. nauchn.- tehn. konf. T.2,- M.: MEI (TU). 2001. ( [4] Аль-Салех И.Г., Слепцов М.А. Электрический расчёт внутреннего электроснабжения при рекуперации на линии между городами Амман и Зарка. Радиоэлектроника, электротехника и энергетика: Седьмая междунар. научн.- техн. конф. Т.2,- М.: МЭИ (ТУ). 2001. ) |