Scientific paper ID 1518 : 2017/3
Tsvetelina Simeonova It is a simplified representation of approaches for analyzing circuits for their in-depth perception of students. To solve a task, there are various methods described in the literature. The choice of a method is to select the most appropriate method for each case. Regardless of the use of ready-made software in resolving tasks of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, generalized knowledge of analysis methods for circuits facilitates their use. In the process of the training of the students in theoretical electrical engineering, it is appropriate to use the generalized methodology, consistent a process of solving and classification of the tasks of the different stages of the analysis of the circuit, in order to better implementation of the trainees of the different methods, their differentiation and corresponding transformations of the participating values during transients. The exhibition s nature, special features and applicability of methods for analysis of circuits during transients. The presented work is not a review of the methods for analysis of circuits, and consider only the most relevant for training from them - classical and operator techniques. The methodology can be used to acquire the best overview and serve as a guide as an additional tool in solving problems for the analysis of electrical circuits during transients.
електрически вериги методи за анализ на електрически вериги процеси и режими при електрически веригиcircuits methods of analysis of circuits processes and regimes in electrical circuitsTsvetelina Simeonova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Cherneva G., Teoretichna elektrotehnika ch.1, VTU „T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2011. ( [1] Чернева Г., Теоретична електротехника ч.1, ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”, София, 2011. ) [2] Cherneva G., Teoretichna elektrotehnika ch.2, „Bolid-ins“, Sofiya, 2011. ( [2] Чернева Г., Теоретична електротехника ч.2, „Болид-инс“, София, 2011. ) [3] Asenova I., D. Danailov, G. Cherneva, Metodichno rakovodstvo za reshavane na zadachi i podgotovka na kursovi raboti po Teoretichna elektrotehnika ch.2, VTU „T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2013. ( [3] Асенова И., Д. Данаилов, Г. Чернева, Методично ръководство за решаване на задачи и подготовка на курсови работи по Теоретична електротехника ч.2, ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”, София, 2013. ) |