Scientific paper ID 1490 : 2017/3
Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić, Dobrinka Atmadzhova The intensity of the dynamic load of railway vehicles, in addition to the quality of the track, depends on the elastic and damping characteristics of the suspension system. For existing track conditions can be stated that quality of dynamic behavior and safety of railway vehicles are primarily dependent on the characteristics of the suspension system. Suspension reduces the dynamic load, and thus reduces stresses in wheelsets, axle-bearings, bogies, car body, track, etc. Dynamic load of railway vehicles are reduced because suspension elements take over part of the kinetic energy, which leads to the safer and smoother running of the vehicle. In order to reduce the amplitude of oscillation of the vehicle in running and to avoid the risk of resonance, special devices for damping of oscillations are applied. Damping is usually solved through the appropriate friction surfaces, installation of the hydraulic, pneumatic or rubber absorbers, etc. This paper provides the necessary guidance for the application of reinforced rubber elastic elements in suspension of railway vehicles. The concrete solutions of rubber elastic elements, developed and realized in Railway Vehicles Center and Laboratory for testing of constructions at the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, are shown.
гума ресорно окачване еластичност железопътни превозни средства.Rubber Suspension Elasticity Railway vehicles.Dragan Petrović Milan Bižić Dobrinka Atmadzhova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Petroviћ D., Aleksandrov V., Zheleznichka vozila – osnove, ISBN: 978-86-82631-66-8, Fakultet za mashinstvo i graђevinarstvo Kraљevo 2013. god. ( [1] Петровић Д., Александров В., Железничка возила – основе, ИСБН: 978-86-82631-66-8, Факултет за машинство и грађевинарство Краљево 2013. год. ) [2] Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić, Improvement of suspension system of Fbd wagons for coal transportation, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 25, (2012), 89–96, ISSN 1350-6307, doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2012.05.001. [3] Dragan Petrović, Dobrinka Atmadzhova, Milan Bižić, Advantages of installation of rubber-metal elements in suspension of railway vehicles, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure – ””CETRA 2014””, pp. 491-497, Split, Croatia, (2014), ISSN 1848-9842. [4] Milan Bizic, Dragan Petrovic, Zoran Djinovic, Milos Tomic, Experimental Testing of Impact of Railway Wagons, Experimental Techniques, Volume 39, (2015), Issue 3, pages 69–78, ISSN 0732-8818, doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2012.00850.x. [5] Atmadzhova D., The Bulgarian State Railways experience in determining fatigue strength of rolling stock structures, XVI Conference RAILCON‘14 Niš, Serbia, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, October, pp. 69-72, 2014. [6] Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić, Repairing of broken laminated springs of freight wagons by welding, Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways – ””RAILCON 2014””, pp. 145-148, Niš, Serbia, (2014), ISBN 978-86-6055-060-8. [7] Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić, Improvement of the suspension system of the wagons with laminated springs, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 10, No 1, pp. 55-62, (2012), University of Nis, ISSN 0354–2025. [8] Petrovic D., Bizic M., Djelosevic M., Determination of dynamic sizes during the process of impact of railway wagons, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 82, No. 2, pp 205-213, 2012. |