Scientific paper ID 1489 : 2017/3
Metodi Atanasov The report describes the types of wear of the rails and their wear limits. There is a review made of the devices and software products for detereming the wear of the rails in the modern railway system. It is shown a simulation model with a different geometry type of track and the wear on interaction ”wheel–rail“ is examined in the conventional rail system. The main aim of the study is to analyze the worn profile of the rails when passing a fixed number of load cycles. The application of software simulation provides an opportunity for a complex examination on interaction ”wheel–rail“ in practice.
Железен път „колело-релса“ износване сигурностRailway wheel-rail wear safetyMetodi Atanasov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Lichtberger B., “Track Compendium”, Eurailpress Germany, Hamburg, 2005 [2] Dencheva Z., „Gorno stroene i poddarzhane na zhelezniya pat“ Sofiya, 2014 ( [2] Денчева З., „Горно строене и поддържане на железния път“ София, 2014 ) [3] Instruktsiya za ustroystvo i poddarzhane na gornoto stroene na zhelezniya pat i zhelezopatnite strelki, Sofiya, 2010 ( [3] Инструкция за устройство и поддържане на горното строене на железния път и железопътните стрелки, София, 2010 ) [4] Shah M., “Automated visual Inspection/Detection of railroad track”, July, 2010 [5] http://www.universalmechanism.com [6] http://www.vampire-dynamics.com [7] https://www.vi-grade.com [8] UIC Code 519: Method for determing the equivalent conicity, International Union of Railways, 1 st ed., Paris, December, 2004 |