Scientific paper ID 1469 : 2017/3
Antoaneta Kirova Unlike other types of business associations, clusters are based on economic co-operation between competing structures with varying degrees of involvement in the value chain that interact with generic product creation and offering to jointly participate in existing or emerging markets. Within the framework of the National Spatial Development Perspective of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2013-2025, the potential for economic development and increasing the competitiveness of the economy in the territorial aspect is considered through the co-operation of companies for the creation of new business. Innovation is also defined as a basic principle of Bulgarian investment strategy when combining traditional and innovative sectors. The analysis of clusters on the effectiveness of national and European policies shows that cluster initiatives are supported through a measure under OP ”Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” (2009-2015). The development of clusters is on the agenda of the current OP ”Innovation and Competitiveness”, with similar objectives, ie. making them a factor for boosting competitiveness and business development. The survey shows that, despite experience in previous periods, cluster activity in Bulgaria is still at an early stage and so far does not contribute to achieving sustainable competitiveness. This is evidenced by the predominant percentage of newly emerging clusters, in which traditional sectors, with prominent competencies and market participation, are represented. There are no clusters for the development of sustainable activities such as tourism, transport, etc., with the exception of a few of the energy clusters represented in the energy sector.
клъстъри и клъстърна политика финансиране по оперативни програми икономически потенциал устойчиво развитиеclusters and clustering policies European grants economic potential sustainable developmentAntoaneta Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Mehatronika i chisti tehnologii, IKT i informatika, industriya za zdravosloven zhivot i biotehnologii, novi tehnologii v kreativnite i rekreativnite industrii ( [1] Мехатроника и чисти технологии, ИКТ и информатика, индустрия за здравословен живот и биотехнологии, нови технологии в креативните и рекреативните индустрии ) [2] Iziskvashti 50% ot chlenovete na klastara da sa registrirani i s byudzhetni razhodi na teritoriyata na daden rayon ( [2] Изискващи 50% от членовете на клъстъра да са регистрирани и с бюджетни разходи на територията на даден район ) [3] Iztochnik: http://www.sme.government.bg/uploads/2017/0... ( [3] Източник: http://www.sme.government.bg/uploads/2017/0... ) [4] Iztochnik: http://www.sme.government.bg/uploads/2017/0... ( [4] Източник: http://www.sme.government.bg/uploads/2017/0... ) [5] Iztochnik: http://www.sme.government.bg/uploads/2017/0... ( [5] Източник: http://www.sme.government.bg/uploads/2017/0... ) [6] Ot IANMSP po protsedura BG16RFOP002-2.009 „Razvitie na klasteri v Balgariya“ ( [6] От ИАНМСП по процедура BG16RFOP002-2.009 „Развитие на клъстери в България“ ) [7] Nalitse sa i 12 nekategorizirani klastari, koito tuk ne se spomenavat ( [7] Налице са и 12 некатегоризирани клъстъри, които тук не се споменават ) |